我的目标是使用代码列表和 TWS API 来提取公司快照的部分(reqFundamentalData() -> "ReportSnapshot")和这些代码的财务报表(reqFundamentalData() -> "ReportsFinStatements"),转换进入数据框并将其存储为镶木地板文件。

  1. 使用交易代码列表 TWS API 下载股票基本数据只运行第一个数据条目并忽略其他数据。谁来解决这个问题?
  2. 将 XML 存储为数据框 将 XML 转换为 Pandas
  3. 存储数据 将数据从 TWS API 保存到 csv 文件


from datetime import datetime
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
import pandas as pd

from ibapi.client import EClient
from ibapi.contract import Contract
from ibapi.wrapper import EWrapper
import logging

import random
import pathlib
import time
from datetime import date
import datetime
from pathlib import Path

class TestApp(EWrapper, EClient):
def __init__(self, addr, port, client_id):
    EWrapper.__init__(self)   # new - book
    EClient.__init__(self, self)

    self.firstReqId = 8001
    self.contracts = {}  # keep in dict so you can lookup
    self.contNumber = self.firstReqId

    # add dataframes to store the result
    self.df_company_info = pd.DataFrame(data=None, index=None, columns=None)
    self.df_fin_stmts = pd.DataFrame(data=None, index=None, columns=None)

def addContracts(self, cont):
    self.contracts[self.contNumber] = cont  # add to dict using 8001 first time
    self.contNumber += 1  # next id will be 8002 etc.

def nextValidId(self, orderId: int):
    # now you are connected, ask for data, no need for sleeps
    # this isn't the only way to know the api is started but it's what IB recommends
    self.contNumber = self.firstReqId   # start with first reqId

def error(self, reqId, errorCode, errorString):
    print("Error: ", reqId, "", errorCode, "", errorString)

    # if there was an error in one of your requests, just contimue with next id
    if reqId > 0 and self.contracts.get(self.contNumber):
        # err in reqFundametalData based on reqid existing in map
        print('err in', self.contracts[reqId].symbol)
        self.getNextData() # try next one

def fundamentalData(self, reqId, fundamental_data):
    self.fundamentalData = fundamental_data
        if self.fundamentalData is not None:
            # convert XML to dictionary entry
            dict_company_info = self.CompanyInfoXMLtoDict(self.fundamentalData)
            # add dict entry to dataframe
            df_add_row = pd.DataFrame([dict_company_info])
            self.df_company_info = self.df_company_info.append(df_add_row, ignore_index=True)
    except KeyError:
        print('Ticker: ' + str(self.contNumber) + ' could not get company_info')
    except TypeError:
        print('Ticker: ' + str(self.contNumber) + ' could not get company_info')
    except ValueError:
        print('Ticker: ' + str(self.contNumber) + ' could not get company_info')
    except IndexError:
        print('Ticker: ' + str(self.contNumber) + ' could not get company_info')


def getNextData(self):
    if self.contracts.get(self.contNumber):     # means a contract exists
        # so req data
        self.reqFundamentalData(self.contNumber, self.contracts[self.contNumber], "ReportSnapshot", [])
        self.contNumber += 1    # now get ready for next request
    else:   # means no more sequentially numbered contracts
        self.disconnect()   # just exit

def CompanyInfoXMLtoDict(self, fundamentals):
    soup = bs(fundamentals, 'xml')
    df_company_info = pd.DataFrame(data=None, index=None, columns=None)
    ticker = ''
    longName = ''
    fullTimeEmployees = 0

    # search for a tag e.g. </IssueID>
    for issues in soup.find_all('IssueID'):
        # within this tag -> search of unique ID e.g. IssueID type=...
        if issues.get('Type') == "Ticker":
            ticker = issues.get_text()

    for coID_i in soup.find_all('CoID'):
        if coID_i.get('Type') == "CompanyName":
            longName = coID_i.get_text()

    for employees_i in soup.find_all('Employees'):
        fullTimeEmployees = employees_i.get_text()

    # create result entry row
    if ticker is not None and ticker != '':
        new_row_dict = {'ticker': ticker, 'name': longName,
                        'num_employees': fullTimeEmployees}
        new_row_dict = {}

    return new_row_dict

def FinStmtsXMLtoDF(self, fundamentals, ticker, stmts_type):
    today = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    today_date = date.today().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
    if stmts_type == 'annual':
        period_type = 'Annual'
        period_type = 'Interim'

    soup = bs(fundamentals, 'xml')

    # build dict
    stmts_terms = {}
    for terms in soup.find_all("mapItem"):
        # add entry to dict -> dict for maping of code to description
        stmts_terms[terms.get('coaItem')] = terms.get_text()

    bal_l = []
    inc_l = []
    cas_l = []
    for period in soup.find_all('FiscalPeriod'):
        # quarterly vs. annually
        if period.get('Type') == period_type:
            for statement in period.find_all('Statement'):
                if statement.find('UpdateType').get('Code') != 'CLA':
                    dic = {}

                    stmts_type = statement.get('Type')
                    # source_date = statement.find('Source').get('Date')
                    statement_date = statement.find('StatementDate').text
                    # dic['date'] = source_date
                    dic['rep_date'] = statement_date

                    for item in statement.find_all('lineItem'):
                        # dic[item.get('coaCode')] = item.text
                        dic[stmts_terms.get(item.get('coaCode'), 'DEFAULT')] = item.text

                    if stmts_type == 'BAL':
                        # print(stmts_type, date, dic)
                    elif stmts_type == 'INC':
                    elif stmts_type == 'CAS':

    df_balance_sheet = pd.DataFrame(bal_l).sort_values('rep_date')
    df_income_statement = pd.DataFrame(inc_l).sort_values('rep_date')
    df_cash_flow = pd.DataFrame(cas_l).sort_values('rep_date')

    # merge all stmts for same rep_date
    df_fin_stmts = pd.DataFrame(data=None, index=None, columns=None)
    df_fin_stmts = df_balance_sheet.merge(df_income_statement, how='left',
    df_fin_stmts = df_fin_stmts.merge(df_cash_flow, how='left',

    df_fin_stmts.insert(loc=0, column='ticker', value=ticker)
    df_fin_stmts.insert(loc=1, column='date_updated', value=today_date)

    return df_fin_stmts

def main():
    # ----- config
    project_data_folder = '/home/data/'
    project_data_folder = Path(project_data_folder)
    # ticker are stored in a csv file
    csv_master_ticker = Path('home/data/ticker/ticker-list.csv')

    # load list of tickers
    df = pd.read_csv(csv_master_ticker)
    list_master_ticker = df['ticker'].tolist()

    fusion_company_info = pd.DataFrame(data=None, index=None, columns=None)
    fusion_fin_stmts = pd.DataFrame(data=None, index=None, columns=None)
    fusion_q_fin_stmts = pd.DataFrame(data=None, index=None, columns=None)

    client = TestApp('', 7496, 0)
    for ticker in list_master_ticker:
       # remove additional postfix for exchange e.g. XYZ.F -> XYZ
       ticker_clean = ticker.rstrip('.')

       contract = Contract()
       contract.symbol = ticker_clean
       contract.secType = 'STK'
       contract.exchange = "SMART"
       contract.currency = 'USD'


    client.connect('', 7496, 0)

    if fusion_company_info.empty:
        fusion_company_info = client.df_company_info
        fusion_company_info = pd.concat([fusion_company_info, client.df_company_info])

            tws_company_info_file_name = 'tws_company_info.parquet'
        file_name = project_data_folder / tws_company_info_file_name
            if fusion_company_info is not None:
                if not fusion_company_info.empty:
                    fusion_company_info.to_parquet(file_name, engine='pyarrow')

        #    financial statements - annual
        tws_fin_stmts_file_name = 'tws_fin_stmts.parquet'
        file_name = project_data_folder / tws_fin_stmts_file_name
            if fusion_fin_stmts is not None:
                if not fusion_fin_stmts.empty:
                    fusion_fin_stmts.to_parquet(file_name, engine='pyarrow')



Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "...\ibapi\client.py", line 239, in run
      File "...\ibapi\decoder.py", line 1278, in interpret
        self.interpretWithSignature(fields, handleInfo)
      File "...\ibapi\decoder.py", line 1259, in interpretWithSignature
    TypeError: 'str' object is not callable

有人可以帮我解决此错误消息吗?如果我删除 for 循环并仅针对单个代码运行它,例如

client.contracts = {}
contract = Contract()
contract.symbol = 'AMD'
contract.secType = 'STK'
contract.currency = 'USD'
contract.exchange = "SMART"
client.connect('', 7496, 0)

我没有收到错误消息,并且数据框 self.company_info 填充了 AMD 的正确数据。


  1. 是否可以通过 reqFundamentalData() 在一次请求/运行中不仅获得公司信息“ReportSnapshot”,还可以获得财务报表“ReportsFinStatements”(df_fin_stmts 和函数“FinStmtsXMLtoDF”)?

  2. 我是 python 新手,希望函数仅在代码中调用函数时才被执行,但不知何故,使用 TWS API(套接字,reqID)它似乎工作不同,我不清楚何时调用哪个函数一个又一个之后。例如,我怎么知道通过执行 reqFundamentalData() 函数 basicData() 被调用。或者例如 nextValidID() 以某种方式被触发,但在程序中没有显式调用。有没有好的教程介绍什么函数按什么顺序调用的过程?



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