我正在编写一个 perl 脚本来组织我们拥有的包含所有订单文档的文件夹。除了前几天有人扔给我的一个曲线球外,该脚本大部分都有效。
这对我造成问题的地方是我们制作/制作的新文件与旧文件具有相同的订单号文件号。例如,我们可能有一个名为 CF145323 的文档,那么该文档将有几个名为 CF145323.pdf、*_1.pdf、*_2.pdf 等的单页 PDF 文件。
我正在寻找的是一种修改我的脚本以计算它找到的文件并确定/预测下一个文件号的方法。因此,如果有 *_1.pdf 到 *_3.pdf。我希望 perl 获取不匹配的文件并将其设为 *_4.pdf。跟着我?
我也在 Windows 中工作,所以我不能使用任何 Linux 命令。
use strict;
use warnings;
# Root folder for Order Documents
my $orders_root = "C:\\Users\\Ian\\Desktop\\Order_docs";
# Keep track of how many files are processed
my $files_counter = 0;
# Keep track of how many junk files are processed
my $junk_counter = 0;
# Store a list of folders that match the 3 number naming scheme
my @matched_folders;
# Create a place to move junk files into
if (! -e "$orders_root\\Junk") {
system "mkdir $orders_root\\Junk";
# Clear the screen
system "cls";
print "Processing files, please wait...\n\n";
# Open $order_dir_root
opendir(ORDERS_ROOT, "$orders_root") or die $!;
# Collect a list of all sub folders
my @folders = readdir(ORDERS_ROOT);
# Close $order_dir_root
# Remove the directories "." and ".." from the output
splice @folders, 0, 2;
foreach my $folder (@folders) {
# Filter out all directories that don't match the numbering system
if ($folder =~ / \d{3} /xm) {
# If the folder matches the expression above, add it to the list of matched folders
push @matched_folders, $folder;
# Open each folder inside of the Order Documents root
opendir(CURRENT_FOLDER, "$orders_root\\$folder");
# Foreach folder opened, collect a list of files in the folder for sorting
my @files = readdir(CURRENT_FOLDER);
# Close the current folder
# Remove the directories "." and ".." from the output
splice @files, 0, 2;
foreach my $file (@files) {
# Match each file to the standard naming scheme
if ($file =~ /^ (C[AFL]|ME) \d{3} \d{3}([_|\-] \d+)? \. pdf /xmi) {
# If that file does not match, move it to a junk folder
} else {
rename ("$orders_root\\$folder\\$file", "$orders_root\\Junk\\$file");
} # End pdf match
} # End foreach $file
} # End folder match
} # End foreach $folder
foreach my $folder (@matched_folders) {
# Open $folder
opendir(CURRENT_FOLDER, "$orders_root\\$folder");
# Collect a list of all sub folders
my @files = readdir(CURRENT_FOLDER);
# Close $folder
splice @files, 0, 2;
foreach my $file (@files) {
if ($file =~ /^ (?<office> (C[AFL]|ME)) (?<folder_num> \d{3}) (?<file_num> \d{3}([_|\-] \d+)?) \. (?<file_ext> pdf) /xmi) {
my $office = uc($+{office});
my $folder_num = $+{folder_num};
my $file_num = $+{file_num};
my $file_ext = lc($+{file_ext});
# Change hyphens to a underscore
$file_num =~ s/\-/_/;
my $file_name = "$office" . "$folder_num" . "$file_num" . "\." . "$file_ext";
my $fly_by_name = "$office" . "$folder_num" . "$file_num" . "_FB" . "\." . "$file_ext";
# Check if the current file belongs in the current folder
if ($folder != $folder_num) {
# If the folder does not exist create the folder
if (! -e "$orders_root\\$folder_num") {
system "mkdir $orders_root\\$folder_num";
# Check to see if the file already exists
if (! -e "$orders_root\\$folder_num\\$file_name") {
# Moves the file to correct place, these are mismatched files
rename ("$orders_root\\$folder\\$file", "$orders_root\\$folder_num\\$file_name");
} else {
# Appends the file with a "_#" where # is equal to the 1+ the last file number, these files are fly bys
rename ("$orders_root\\$folder\\$file", "$orders_root\\$folder_num\\$fly_by_name");
# Files are in the correct place, the file name will be corrected only
} else {
rename ("$orders_root\\$folder\\$file", "$orders_root\\$folder_num\\$file_name");
} # End $file match
} # End foreach $file
} # End foreach $folder
# Show statistics after processing
print "Done!\n\n";
print "$#folders folders processed\n";
print "$files_counter files processed\n";
print "$junk_counter junk files removed\n"