我有一个我想使用 OpenCV 跟踪的对象。在我的检测算法中,我可以在它看到的对象周围创建有界框,并且可以创建一个目标对象来正确跟踪。我的检测算法运行良好,但我想将此对象传递给跟踪算法。如果不重新编写检测和图像显示问题,我无法完成这项工作。如果有帮助,我正在使用带有 Intel Realsense 摄像头的 NVIDA Jetson Nanoboard。
116 次
1 回答
The OpenCV DNN module comes with python samples of state of the art trackers. I've heard good things about the "siamese" based ones. Have a look
Also the OpenCV contrib repo contains a whole module of various trackers. Give those a try first. They have a simple API.
于 2020-11-28T04:45:03.443 回答