
type IdTypePairF r = (identifier :: Foreign, identifierType :: Foreign | r)

readIdTypePair :: forall r. Record (IdTypePairF r) -> F Identifier
readIdTypePair idPairF = do
  id <- readNEStringImpl idPairF.identifier
  idType <- readNEStringImpl idPairF.identifierType
  pure $ {identifier: id, identifierType: idType}


  No type class instance was found for

    Prim.RowList.RowToList ( identifier :: Foreign
                           , identifierType :: Foreign
                           | t3

  The instance head contains unknown type variables. Consider adding a type annotation.

while applying a function readJSON'
  of type ReadForeign t2 => String -> ExceptT (NonEmptyList ForeignError) Identity t2
  to argument jsStr
while checking that expression readJSON' jsStr
  has type t0 t1
in value declaration readRecordJSON

where t0 is an unknown type
      t1 is an unknown type
      t2 is an unknown type
      t3 is an unknown type
      t4 is an unknown type



module Main where

import Control.Monad.Except (except, runExcept)
import Data.Array.NonEmpty (NonEmptyArray, fromArray)
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.HeytingAlgebra ((&&), (||))
import Data.Lazy (Lazy, force)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import Data.String.NonEmpty (NonEmptyString, fromString)
import Data.Traversable (traverse)
import Effect (Effect(..))
import Foreign (F, Foreign, isNull, isUndefined)
import Foreign as Foreign
import Prelude (Unit, bind, pure, ($), (>>=), unit)
import Simple.JSON as JSON

main :: Effect Unit
main = pure unit

type ResourceRows = (
  identifiers :: Array Identifier
type Resource = Record ResourceRows

type BaseIdRows r = (
  identifier :: NonEmptyString
, identifierType :: NonEmptyString
| r
type Identifier = Record (BaseIdRows())

-- Utility type for parsing
type IdTypePairF r = (identifier :: Foreign, identifierType :: Foreign | r)

readNEStringImpl :: Foreign -> F NonEmptyString
readNEStringImpl f = do
  str :: String <- JSON.readImpl f
  except $ case fromString str of
    Just nes -> Right nes
    Nothing -> Left $ pure $ Foreign.ForeignError
      "Nonempty string expected."

readIdTypePair :: forall r. Record (IdTypePairF r) -> F Identifier
readIdTypePair idPairF = do
  id <- readNEStringImpl idPairF.identifier
  idType <- readNEStringImpl idPairF.identifierType
  pure $ {identifier: id, identifierType: idType}

readRecordJSON :: String -> Either Foreign.MultipleErrors Resource
readRecordJSON jsStr = runExcept do
  recBase <- JSON.readJSON' jsStr
  --foo :: String <- recBase.identifiers -- Just comment to check inferred type
  idents :: Array Identifier <- traverse readIdTypePair recBase.identifiers
  pure $ recBase { identifiers = idents }

1 回答 1


您的问题是recBase不一定是 type Resource

编译器有两个参考点来确定 的类型:(1)使用recBase的事实和 (2) 的返回类型。recBase.identifiersreadIdTypePairreadRecordJSON


recBase :: { identifiers :: Array (Record (IdTypePair r)) | p }

对于一些未知的rp。它具有(至少)一个名为的字段的事实identifiers来自点语法,并且该字段的类型来自的readIdTypePair参数以及. 但除此之外可能还有更多字段(用 表示),每个元素都是部分记录(用 表示)。identsArrayidentifierspidentifiersr


recBase :: { identifiers :: a }

等等,什么?为什么a而不是Array Identifier?的定义没有Resource明确说明identifiers :: Array Identifier吗?

嗯,是的,确实如此,但诀窍是:类型recBase不一定是Resource. 的返回类型readRecordJSONResource,但在recBase和返回类型之间readRecordJSON代表一个记录更新操作recBase { identifiers = idents }可以改变字段的类型

是的,PureScript 中的记录更新是多态的。看一下这个:

> x = { a: 42 }
> y = x { a = "foo" }
> y
{ a: "foo" }

看看类型是怎么x.a变的?在这里x :: { a :: Int },但是y :: { a :: String }

所以它在你的代码中:recBase.identifiers :: Array (IdTypePairF r)对于一些 unknown r,但是(recBase { identifiers = idents }).identifiers :: Array Identifier


要修复,您有两个选择。选项 1 - 制作readIdTypePair完整记录,而不是部分记录:

readIdTypePair :: Record (IdTypePairF ()) -> F Identifier

选项 2 - 明确指定类型recBase

recBase :: { identifiers :: Array (Record (IdTypePairF ())) } <- JSON.readJSON' jsStr


type Resource = {
  identifiers :: Array Identifier

如果您出于审美原因这样做,我不反对。但如果你不知道 - 现在你知道了:-)

于 2020-11-19T02:49:08.270 回答