我正在使用 Google Cloud Platform 发布的 Terraform 便捷模块来启动包含多个表和多个视图的 BigQuery 数据集。这非常有效,除了当视图依赖于表时,我必须重试我的apply
,因为没有什么告诉 Terraform 在另一个之前做一个。我根据子目录的内容分配tables
locals {
# Tables
# Description attribute for each table. If absent, no description is set (null).
table_to_description = {
# ...
# Values that don't ever change set for this dataset.
time_partitioning = null
expiration_time = null
clustering = []
labels = {
terraform_managed = "true"
table_schema_filenames = fileset(pathexpand("${path.module}/assets/schemas"), "*.json")
// fileset() doesn't have an option to output full paths, so we need to re-expand them
table_schema_paths = [for file_name in local.table_schema_filenames : pathexpand("${path.module}/assets/schemas/${file_name}")]
# Build a vector of objects, one for each table
table_inputs = [for full_path in local.table_schema_paths : {
schema = full_path
# TODO(jaycarlton) I do not yet see a way around doing the replacement twice, as it's not possible
# to refer to other values in the same object when defining it.
table_id = replace(basename(full_path), local.TABLE_SCHEMA_SUFFIX, "")
description = lookup(local.table_to_description, replace(basename(full_path), local.TABLE_SCHEMA_SUFFIX, ""), null)
# Merge calculated inputs with the ones we use every time.
tables = [for table_input in local.table_inputs :
merge(table_input, local.TABLE_CONSTANTS)
# Views
# Reporting Subsystem always uses Standard SQL Syntax
use_legacy_sql = false,
labels = {
terraform_managed = "true"
# Local filenames for view templates. Returns something like ["latest_users.sql", "users_by_id.sql"]
view_query_template_filenames = fileset("${path.module}/assets/views", "*.sql")
# expanded to fully qualified path, e.g. ["/repos/workbench/terraform/modules/reporting/views/latest_users.sql", ...]
// view_query_template_paths = [for file_name in local.view_query_template_filenames : pathexpand("./reporting/views/${file_name}")]
view_query_template_paths = [for file_name in local.view_query_template_filenames : pathexpand("${path.module}/assets/views/${file_name}")]
# Create views for each .sql file in the views directory. There is no Terraform
# dependency from the view to the table(s) it queries, and I don't believe the SQL is even checked
# for accuracy prior to creation on the BQ side.
views = [for view_query_template_path in local.view_query_template_paths :
view_id = replace(basename(view_query_template_path), local.QUERY_TEMPLATE_SUFFIX, ""),
query = templatefile(view_query_template_path, {
project = var.project_id
dataset = var.reporting_dataset_id
# All BigQuery assets for Reporting subsystem
module "main" {
source = "terraform-google-modules/bigquery/google"
version = "~> 4.3"
dataset_id = var.reporting_dataset_id
project_id = var.project_id
location = "US"
# Note: friendly_name is discovered in plan and apply steps, but can't be
# entered here. Maybe they're just not exposed by the dataset module but the resources are looking
# for them?
dataset_name = "Workbench ${title(var.aou_env)} Environment Reporting Data" # exposed as friendly_name in plan
description = "Daily output of relational tables and time series views for analysis. Views are provided for general ad-hoc analysis."
tables = local.tables
# Note that, when creating this module fom the ground up, it's common to see an error like
# `Error: googleapi: Error 404: Not found: Table my-project:my_dataset.my_table, notFound`. It seems
# to be a momentary issue due to the dataset's existence not yet being observable to the table/view
# create API. So far, it's always worked on a re-run.
# TODO(jaycarlton) see if there's a way to put a retry on this. I'm not convinced that will work
# outside of a resource context (and inside a third-party module).
views = local.views
Error: googleapi: Error 404: Not found: Table <MY_PROJECT>:<MY_DATASET>.user, notFound
on .terraform/modules/workbench.reporting.main/main.tf line 76, in resource "google_bigquery_table" "view":
76: resource "google_bigquery_table" "view" {
这些视图被 BigQuery 拒绝而被 Terraform 接受,因为它们引用的表尚未创建或尚不可用。它看起来像是depends_on
在一个资源块中,但据我所知,在这种情况下,这些是抽象出来的。重试器也可以解决我的问题(但不那么优雅),就像在所有情况下重新运行terraform apply