是否可以访问 goLang 中 Couchbase 实现的 []byte 字段或定义通用结构?
用例 在查询时不知道返回的结构类型。
//two struct both share Id field
type Person struct {
Id string `json:"id"`
FirstName string `json:"firstName"`
type Building struct {
Id string `json:"id"`
Size int `json:"size"`
//sudo code for Couchbase connection, showing use of Default Connection
import "github.com/couchbase/gocb/v2"
var dbCollection = cluster.Bucket(bucketName).DefaultCollection()
//show example get path variable from url eg /getFromDB/{id}
var pathVariables = mux.Vars(req)
id := pathVariables["id"]
//get request to db, and assign result to getResult, ignore error _
getResult, _ := dbCollection.Get(id, &gocb.GetOptions{})
//try and
dbPerson := Person{} //type is set to Person
//If you print out the result, you see the content field as []bytes
// convert to string as **base 10 utf8** and you'll see the content; (minus a { at the start BUG?)
fmt.Printf("GetResult is: %+v\n", *getResult)
//tried to get the result as bytes, to get the whole thing a map the content field later, but result is [123 125] or {
byteResult, errM := json.Marshal(*getResult)
//OR like, gives same output result [123 125] or { in base 10 utf8
var rawJson json.RawMessage
var errM error
rawJson, errM = json.Marshal(*getResult)
json.Unmarshal(rawBytes, &someStruct)