We consider to use Minilla or Dist::Milla for our perl development. Declaring dependencies is done via cpanfile. I expected to find an exact definintion of what and how can be declared. But
perldoc cpanfile : Shows only the principal usage. 'SEE ALSO' section does not help.
perldoc Module::CPANfile: same as cpanfile.
perldoc cpanfile-faq: no explanation of the exact syntax or a link to it, only
Familiar DSL syntax
This is a new file type, but the format and syntax isn't entirely new. The metadata it can declare is exactly a subset of "Prereqs" in CPAN Meta Spec.
The syntax borrows a lot from Module::Install. Module::Install is a great way to easily declare module metadata such as name, author and dependencies. cpanfile format is simply to extract the dependencies into a separate file, which means most of the developers are familiar with the syntax.
- Web : I found ( but does not answer my question )
Does anybody know where to find an exact description of the cpanfile syntax/format ?