I am building an new action. I have multiple intents, and I added ~20 training phases for each of them. However the matching seems to be pretty terrible

I have webhooks configured for the scenes. I look at the raw query and the handler that was matched. I have the exact phrase in the training phrases, but a different intent gets matched.

It seems like old Dialogflow interface had a way to improve training (https://cloud.google.com/dialogflow/es/docs/training#tool) allowing you to match actual queries with the right intents. Is there an equivalent tool for the new actions builder?


1 回答 1



但是,如果 Intent 是设置为在场景中识别的(或者是全局 Intent),那么使用的训练短语不匹配似乎很奇怪。

最后一点是最重要的 - 确保您已将 Intent 设置为场景,并且当您尝试触发相关 Intent 时您处于该场景中。

于 2020-11-10T11:54:39.217 回答