我正在向 Mollie 发送新的付款,其中包含 QR 码 ( https://docs.mollie.com/reference/v2/payments-api/create-payment# ):
$payment = $mollie->payments->create([
"amount" => [
"currency" => "EUR",
"value" => $rows['inst_prijs_wespen'] // You must send the correct number of decimals, thus we enforce the use of strings
"description" => "Wespenverdelging - ".$rows['inst_zone_naam'],
"redirectUrl" => "https://".$rows['inst_url']."/mollie/processpayment.php?id=".$interventie_id,
"webhookUrl" => "https://".$rows['inst_url']."/mollie/webhook.php",
"method" => "bancontact",
"metadata" => [
"interventie_id" => $interventie_id
"include" => "details.qrCode"
付款已正确创建(QR 除外)。
但正如文档(https://docs.mollie.com/guides/qr-codes)中所述,“详细信息”中未提供 QR 数据
amount: {value: "48.40", currency: "EUR"}
amountCaptured: null
amountRefunded: null
amountRemaining: null
applicationFeeAmount: null
authorizedAt: null
canceledAt: null
countryCode: null
createdAt: "2020-11-01T18:29:50+00:00"
customerId: null
description: "******"
details: null
expiredAt: null
expiresAt: "2020-11-01T19:29:50+00:00"
failedAt: null
id: "********"
isCancelable: false
locale: null
mandateId: null
metadata: {*****}
method: "bancontact"
mode: "live"
orderId: null
paidAt: null
profileId: "*******"
resource: "payment"
restrictPaymentMethodsToCountry: null
sequenceType: "oneoff"
settlementAmount: {value: "48.40", currency: "EUR"}
settlementId: null
status: "open"
subscriptionId: null
_embedded: null}