224 次
1 回答
在@BrianDrummond 和@Tricky 的评论的指导下,我可以发布我的问题的答案。问题的原因及其解决方法可以在问题下的评论中找到。
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
entity RAM_TB is
end entity;
architecture RAM_TB_arch of RAM_TB is
component RAM
port (CLK : in std_logic; -- Clock
R : in std_logic; -- Reset
WR : in std_logic; -- Write
AE : in std_logic; -- Address saving in temp.
OE : in std_logic; -- Signal about output word
AD : inout std_logic_vector(15 downto 0)); -- out address(11 bits address)/ in data(16 bits data)
end component;
constant T : time := 20 ns;
signal CLK_TB, R_TB, WR_TB, AE_TB, OE_TB : std_logic;
signal AD_TB : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := (others => 'Z');
DUT : RAM port map (CLK_TB, R_TB, WR_TB, AE_TB, OE_TB, AD_TB);
CLK_TB <= '0';
wait for T/2;
CLK_TB <= '1';
wait for T/2;
end process;
STIMULUS : process
variable value : std_logic_vector(AD_TB'range) := X"FFFF";
variable addr : std_logic_vector(AD_TB'range) := X"0004";
-- Test ZZZZ output of AD
R_TB <= '0'; -- No reset
WR_TB <= '0'; -- No write
AE_TB <= '0'; -- No address
OE_TB <= '0'; -- No output
wait for 2*T;
Test_1 : assert AD_TB = "ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ" report "[INFO] AD initial state is not ..Z..!" severity FAILURE;
-- Test input of AD
R_TB <= '0'; -- No reset
WR_TB <= '0'; -- No write
AE_TB <= '1'; -- Read address
OE_TB <= '0'; -- No output
AD_TB <= addr; -- Address RAM(4)
wait for T;
WR_TB <= '1'; -- Write
AE_TB <= '0'; -- Do not read address
AD_TB <= value; -- Data to write
wait for T;
-- Test output of AD
WR_TB <= '0'; -- No write
OE_TB <= '1'; -- Output data from RAM
wait for T;
Test_2 : assert AD_TB = value report "[INFO] AD output not equals value in RAM(addr)!" severity FAILURE;
-- Test Reset
wait for T;
R_TB <= '1'; -- Reset
wait for T;
Test_3 : assert AD_TB = X"0000" report "[INFO] AD output not equals zero after Reset!" severity FAILURE;
end process;
end architecture;
于 2020-11-01T17:48:26.620 回答