我需要为每个设施创建 3 个图表并将它们输出到 1 页上。我有 600 个设施可以为此做这件事,所以我将有一个 600 页的文档。我使用下面的代码创建了我的图表。如果我在 proc sgplot 语句中指定“其中 ID = X”,它会输出一切正常,但仅适用于设施 X。如果我不这样做,它会在转到下一个图表之前为每个设施打印图表 1。我猜我需要一个宏......有人有什么建议吗?
OPTIONS orientation=vertical nodate;
ods rtf file="C:\Users\filename.rtf" STYLE=Styles.rtf;
ods listing close;
ods noproctitle ;
title ; footnote;
*First graph;
ods graphics on / height=2.7 in width=8in;
ods rtf startpage=NOW;
ods rtf text= "^{style[fontweight=bold fontsize=11pt textalign=c] Employees}";
ods graphics/noborder;
proc sort data=clean4; by ID warehouse county; run;
proc sgplot data=clean4;
by pfi name;
title2 "ID= #byval(ID) ";
title3 "Name: #byval(warehouse) ";
title4 "County: #byval(county) ";
series x=date y=emp / markers markerattrs=(symbol=CircleFilled color=blue) lineattrs=(color=blue thickness=2 pattern=1 ) legendlabel='Number of Employees' dataskin=pressed;
yaxis label='Count' valueattrs=(size=11pt) labelattrs=(size=11pt weight=bold) offsetmin=0 integer;
xaxis label='Date' valueattrs=(size=11pt) labelattrs=(size=11pt weight=bold) ;
option NOBYLINE;
*Second graph;
ods graphics on / height=2.7 in width=8in;
ods rtf startpage=NO;
ods rtf text=' ';
ods rtf text= "^{style[fontweight=bold fontsize=12pt textalign=c] Hats used daily}";
ods graphics/noborder;
proc sort data=clean4; by ID; run;
proc sgplot data=clean4;
by ID;
title2; title3;
series x=date y=hats / markers markerattrs=(symbol=CircleFilled color=red)
lineattrs=(color=red thickness=2 pattern=1 ) legendlabel='Number of hats used' dataskin=pressed;
yaxis label='Count' valueattrs=(size=11pt) labelattrs=(size=11pt weight=bold) fitpolicy=thin
offsetmin=0 integer;
xaxis label='Date' valueattrs=(size=11pt) labelattrs=(size=11pt weight=bold) ;
*Third graph;
ods graphics on / height=2.7 in width=8in;
ods rtf startpage=NO;
ods rtf text=' ';
ods rtf text= "^{style[fontweight=bold fontsize=11pt textalign=c] LOESS}";
ods graphics/noborder;
proc sort data=clean4; by ID; run;
proc sgplot data=clean4;
by ID;
loess y=var1 x=date/ legendlabel="LOESS" lineattrs=(color=blue)
yaxis label='LOESS Plot' valueattrs=(size=11pt) labelattrs=(size=11pt weight=bold) offsetmin=0;
xaxis label='Date' valueattrs=(size=11pt) labelattrs=(size=11pt weight=bold) THRESHOLDMIN=0
option NOBYLINE;
ods rtf close;
ods listing ;