假设一个人希望将所有绝对 svn:externals URLS 转换为整个存储库中的相对 URL。

或者,如果注意svn:externals 文档中的提示(“您应该认真考虑使用显式修订号......”),您可能会发现自己需要在整个存储库的许多地方定期为外部提取新修订。

以编程方式更新大量 svn:externals 属性的最佳方法是什么?



1 回答 1


这是我从 svn:externals 属性的单行中提取部分的类:

from urlparse import urlparse
import re
class SvnExternalsLine:
    '''Consult https://subversion.apache.org/docs/release-notes/1.5.html#externals for parsing algorithm.
    The old svn:externals format consists of:
        <local directory> [revision] <absolute remote URL>

    The NEW svn:externals format consists of:
        [revision] <absolute or relative remote URL> <local directory>

    Therefore, "relative" remote paths always come *after* the local path.
    One complication is the possibility of local paths with spaces.
    We just assume that the remote path cannot have spaces, and treat all other
    tokens (except the revision specifier) as part of the local path.

    REVISION_ARGUMENT_REGEXP = re.compile("-r(\d+)")

    def __init__(self, original_line):
        self.original_line = original_line

        self.pinned_revision_number = None
        self.repo_url = None
        self.local_pathname_components = []

        for token in self.original_line.split():

            revision_match = self.REVISION_ARGUMENT_REGEXP.match(token)
            if revision_match:
                self.pinned_revision_number = int(revision_match.group(1))
            elif urlparse(token).scheme or any(map(lambda p: token.startswith(p), ["^", "//", "/", "../"])):
                self.repo_url = token

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    def constructLine(self):
        '''Reconstruct the externals line in the Subversion 1.5+ format'''

        tokens = []

        # Update the revision specifier if one existed
        if self.pinned_revision_number is not None:
            tokens.append( "-r%d" % (self.pinned_revision_number) )

        tokens.append( self.repo_url )
        tokens.extend( self.local_pathname_components )

        if self.repo_url is None:
            raise Exception("Found a bad externals property: %s; Original definition: %s" % (str(tokens), repr(self.original_line)))

        return " ".join(tokens)

我使用该pysvn库递归遍历拥有 svn:externals 属性的所有目录,然后用换行符拆分该属性值,并根据解析的SvnExternalsLine.

该过程必须在存储库的本地签出时执行。下面是如何使用pysvn( propget ) 来检索外部的:

client.propget( "svn:externals", base_checkout_path, recurse=True)


client.propset("svn:externals", new_externals_property, path)
于 2011-06-23T01:10:21.933 回答