我们的应用程序在我们的 Windows 应用程序中使用 MonoDevelop.Components.Docking 框架。我们上次更新到最新版本是在 2010 年 11 月。我遇到了一些有趣的行为,这些行为发生在以下情况:

  • 按 DockGroupType.Tabbed ParentGroup 中第一个面板的自动隐藏按钮

  • 将鼠标悬停在折叠的面板上,直到它展开

  • 将面板拖到选项卡组的中心(回到原始位置)并放下

此时,面板调整为显示面板将被放置的位置的蓝色矩形的大小,然后从主窗口取消停靠以浮动在该大小。这仅发生在选项卡式组中的第一项上。我在 DockGroupItem.cs(第 112 行,GetDockTarget(..))中发现了一段被注释掉的代码,似乎它可以处理这个问题。但是,它引用了一个未定义的 DockPosition 类型,CenterAfter。该方法如下,注释掉的部分以粗体显示:

public bool GetDockTarget (DockItem item, int px, int py, Gdk.Rectangle rect, out DockDelegate dockDelegate, out Gdk.Rectangle outrect)

 dockDelegate = null;                

 if (item != this.item && this.item.Visible && rect.Contains (px,py)) {

      int xdockMargin = (int) ((double)rect.Width * (1.0 - DockFrame.ItemDockCenterArea)) / 2;

      int ydockMargin = (int) ((double)rect.Height * (1.0 - DockFrame.ItemDockCenterArea)) / 2;

      DockPosition pos;                   

/*    if (ParentGroup.Type == DockGroupType.Tabbed) {

            rect = new Gdk.Rectangle (rect.X + xdockMargin, rect.Y + ydockMargin,rect.Width - xdockMargin*2, rect.Height - ydockMargin*2);

            pos = DockPosition.CenterAfter;


*/    if (px <= rect.X + xdockMargin && ParentGroup.Type != DockGroupType.Horizontal) {

            outrect = new Gdk.Rectangle (rect.X, rect.Y, xdockMargin, rect.Height);

            pos = DockPosition.Left;


      else if (px >= rect.Right - xdockMargin && ParentGroup.Type != DockGroupType.Horizontal) {

            outrect = new Gdk.Rectangle (rect.Right - xdockMargin, rect.Y, xdockMargin, rect.Height);

            pos = DockPosition.Right;


      else if (py <= rect.Y + ydockMargin && ParentGroup.Type != DockGroupType.Vertical) {

            outrect = new Gdk.Rectangle (rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, ydockMargin);

            pos = DockPosition.Top;


      else if (py >= rect.Bottom - ydockMargin && ParentGroup.Type != DockGroupType.Vertical) {

            outrect = new Gdk.Rectangle (rect.X, rect.Bottom - ydockMargin, rect.Width, ydockMargin);

            pos = DockPosition.Bottom;


      else {

            outrect = new Gdk.Rectangle (rect.X + xdockMargin, rect.Y + ydockMargin, rect.Width - xdockMargin*2, rect.Height - ydockMargin*2);

            pos = DockPosition.Center;

      dockDelegate = delegate (DockItem dit) {

            DockGroupItem it = ParentGroup.AddObject (dit, pos, Id);

            it.SetVisible (true);

            ParentGroup.FocusItem (it);


      return true;

 outrect = Gdk.Rectangle.Zero;
 return false;



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DockGroup.cs(第 122 行) - 注释掉索引增加:

public DockGroupItem AddObject (DockItem obj, DockPosition pos, string relItemId)
else if (pos == DockPosition.CenterBefore || pos == DockPosition.Center) {
                if (type != DockGroupType.Tabbed)
                    gitem = Split (DockGroupType.Tabbed, pos == DockPosition.CenterBefore, obj, npos);
                else {
                    //if (pos == DockPosition.Center) // removed to fix issue with drag/docking the 1st tab item after autohiding 
                    gitem = new DockGroupItem (Frame, obj);
                    dockObjects.Insert (npos, gitem);
                    gitem.ParentGroup = this;
            ResetVisibleGroups ();
            return gitem;

DockGroup.cs(第 912 行) - 添加了对同一项目的检查

internal override bool GetDockTarget (DockItem item, int px, int py, out DockDelegate dockDelegate, out Gdk.Rectangle rect)
            if (!Allocation.Contains (px, py) || VisibleObjects.Count == 0) {
                dockDelegate = null;
                rect = Gdk.Rectangle.Zero;
                return false;

            if (type == DockGroupType.Tabbed) {
                // this is a fix for issue with drag/docking the 1st tab item after autohiding it
                int pos = 0;
                if (item.Id == ((DockGroupItem)VisibleObjects[0]).Id)

                // Tabs can only contain DockGroupItems
                return ((DockGroupItem)VisibleObjects[pos]).GetDockTarget (item, px, py, Allocation, out dockDelegate, out rect);
于 2011-06-24T16:31:04.187 回答