

sum := 15, k := 4, m:= 10预期的结果是6


1,2,3,9, 1,2,4,8, 1,2,5,7, 1,3,4,7, 1,3,5,7,2,3,4,6

public class Key{
  private final int sum;
  private final short k1;
  private final short start;
  private final short end;

  public Key(int sum, short k1, short start, short end){
    this.sum = sum;
    this.k1 = k1;
    this.start = start;
    this.end = end;
  // + hashcode and equals

public BigInteger calcRestrictedIntegerPartitions(int sum,short k,short m){
  return calcRestrictedIntegerPartitionsHelper(sum,(short)0,k,(short)1,m,new HashMap<>());

private BigInteger calcRestrictedIntegerPartitionsHelper(int sum, short k1, short k, short start, short end, Map<Key,BigInteger> cache){
  if(sum < 0){
    return BigInteger.ZERO;
  if(k1 == k){
    if(sum ==0){
      return BigInteger.ONE;
    return BigInteger.ZERO;
  if(end*(k-k1) < sum){
    return BigInteger.ZERO;

  final Key key = new Key(sum,(short)(k-k1),start,end);

  BigInteger fetched = cache.get(key);

  if(fetched == null){
    BigInteger tmp = BigInteger.ZERO;

    for(short i=start; i <= end;i++){
      tmp = tmp.add(calcRestrictedIntegerPartitionsHelper(sum-i,(short)(k1+1),k,(short)(i+1),end,cache));

    cache.put(key, tmp);
    return tmp;

  return fetched;

是否有避免/减少缓存的公式?或者我如何计算受限整数部分k and m


3 回答 3


您的密钥包含 4 个部分,因此哈希空间可能会达到这些部分的最大值乘积的值。可以使用反向循环和零值作为自然限制将密钥减少到 3 个部分。

lru_cachePython 示例使用哈希表大小 =的内置功能N*K*M

def diff_partition(N, K, M):
    '''Counts integer partitions of N with K distint parts <= M'''
    if K == 0:
        if N == 0:
            return 1
        return 0
    res = 0
    for i in range(min(N, M), -1, -1):
        res += diff_partition(N - i, K - 1, i - 1)
    return res

def diffparts(Sum, K, M):   #diminish problem size allowing zero part
    return diff_partition(Sum - K, K, M-1)

print(diffparts(500, 25, 200))

于 2020-10-12T10:45:31.957 回答

您的问题可以转置,因此您的缓存中只需要 3 个键,并且启动的运行时间要少得多。更少的不同键意味着更好的缓存(比我更聪明的人可能仍然会找到更便宜的解决方案)。

让我们将分区视为集合。每组的元素应按顺序排列(升序)。sum := 15, k := 4, m:= 10当您陈述as的预期结果时,您已经隐含地做到了这一点[1, 2, 3, 9]; [1, 2, 4, 8] ...


  • k每组的确切元素
  • 最大值m作为元素
  • 不同的价值观
  • 非零正整数

区分的限制其实有点麻烦,我们就解除吧。为此,我们需要稍微改变一下问题。因为你的集合中的元素是升序的(并且不同的),我们知道,每个元素的最小值是一个升序序列(如果我们忽略总和必须是sum),所以 minia 是:[1, 2, 3, ...]。例如,如果m小于k,则可能的分区数将始终为零。同样,如果总和[1, 2, 3, ... k]大于sum,则结果也为零。我们在一开始就排除了这些边缘情况,以确保转换是合法的。




从算法上讲,转换现在的工作方式如下:对于合法分区中的每个元素,我们减去它的位置(从 1 开始)。所以对于 [1, 2, 4, 8]我们得到[0, 0, 1, 4]. 此外,我们必须相应地调整我们的界限 (summ):

// from the sum, we subtract the sum of [1, 2, 3, ... k], which is (k * (k + 1) / 2)
sum_2 = sum - (k * (k + 1) / 2)

// from m we subtract the maximum position (which is k)
m_2 = m - k

现在我们已经将我们的分区问题转换为另一个分区问题,一个没有不同元素限制的分区问题!此外,这个分区可以包含 element 0,而我们原来的不能。(我们保持内部升序)。


[0, 1, 3, n1, n2]
=> 3 <= n1 <= m_2
=> 3 <= n2 <= m_2


因为我们知道n1并且n2在示例中是3或更大,当调用递归时,我们也可以将它们同时归约3和归约sum_22 * 3一个是'open'元素的数量,一个是最后一个'fixed'元素的值)。这样,我们在递归中传递的内容没有上限和下限,而只有一个上限,这就是我们之前的 ( m) 。

正因为如此,我们可以抛出 1 个缓存键值:start。相反,在解决这个简化的问题时sum,我们现在只有 3:m和, 。k


public void test() {
    calcNumRIPdistinctElementsSpecificKmaxM(600, (short) 25, (short) 200);

public BigInteger calcNumRIPdistinctElementsSpecificKmaxM(int sum, short k, short m) {
    // If the biggest allowed number in a partition is less than the number of parts, then
    // they cannot all be distinct, therefore we have zero results.
    if (m < k) {
        return BigInteger.ZERO;
    // If the sum of minimum element-values for k is less than the expected sum, then
    // we also have no results.
    final int v = ((k * ((int) k + 1)) / 2);
    if (sum < v) {
        return BigInteger.ZERO;
    // We normalize the problem by lifting the distinction restriction.
    final Cache cache = new Cache();
    final int sumNorm = sum - v;
    final short mNorm = (short) (m - k);
    BigInteger result = calcNumRIPspecificKmaxM(sumNorm, k, mNorm, cache);

    System.out.println("Calculation (n=" + sum + ", k=" + k + ", m=" + m + ")");
    System.out.println("p = " + result);
    System.out.println("entries = " + cache.getNumEntries());
    System.out.println("c-rate = " + cache.getCacheRate());
    return result;

public BigInteger calcNumRIPspecificKmaxM(int sum, short k, short m, Cache cache) {
    // We can improve cache use by standing the k*m-rectangle upright (k being the 'bottom').
    if (k > m) {
        final short c = k;
        k = m;
        m = c;
    // If the result is trivial, we just calculate it. This is true for k < 3
    if (k < 3) {
        if (k == 0) {
            return sum == 0 ? BigInteger.ONE : BigInteger.ZERO;
        } else if (k == 1) {
            return sum <= m ? BigInteger.ONE : BigInteger.ZERO;
        } else {
            final int upper = Math.min(sum, m);
            final int lower = sum - upper;
            if (upper < lower) {
                return BigInteger.ZERO;
            final int difference = upper - lower;
            final int numSubParts = difference / 2 + 1;
            return BigInteger.valueOf(numSubParts);
    // If k * m / 2 < sum, we can 'invert' the sub problem to reduce the number of keys further.
    sum = Math.min(sum, k * m - sum);
    // If the sum is less than m and maybe even k, we can reduce the box. This improves the cache size even further.
    if (sum < m) {
        m = (short) sum;
        if (sum < k) {
            k = (short) sum;

            if (k < 3) {
                return calcNumRIPspecificKmaxM(sum, k, m, cache);
    // If the result is non-trivial, we check the cache or delegate.
    final Triple<Short, Short, Integer> key = Triple.of(k, m, sum);
    final BigInteger cachedResult = cache.lookUp(key);
    if (cachedResult != null) {
        return cachedResult;
    BigInteger current = BigInteger.ZERO;
    // i = m is reached in case the result is an ascending stair e.g. [1, 2, 3, 4]
    for (int i = 0; i <= m; ++i) {
        final int currentSum = sum - (i * k);
        if (currentSum < 0) {
        short currentK = (short) (k - 1);
        short currentM = (short) (m - i);
        current = current.add(calcNumRIPspecificKmaxM(currentSum, currentK, currentM, cache));
    // We cache this new result and return it.
    cache.enter(key, current);
    return current;

public static class Cache {
    private final HashMap<Triple<Short, Short, Integer>, BigInteger> map = new HashMap<>(1024);
    private long numLookUps = 0;
    private long numReuse = 0;
    public BigInteger lookUp(Triple<Short, Short, Integer> key) {
        BigInteger value = map.get(key);
        if (value != null) {
        return value;
    public void enter(Triple<Short, Short, Integer> key, BigInteger value) {
        map.put(key, value);
    public double getCacheRate() {
        return (double) numReuse / map.size();
    public int getNumEntries() {
        return map.size();
    public long numLookUps() {
        return numLookUps;
    public long getNumReuse() {
        return numReuse;

注意:我在这里使用了 apache-common 的Triple-class 作为键,以节省显式键类的实现,但这不是运行时的优化,它只是节省了代码。

编辑:除了修复@MBo 发现的问题(谢谢),我添加了一些快捷方式来达到相同的结果。该算法现在性能更好,缓存(重用)率更高。也许这会满足您的要求?


  • 如果k > m,我们可以垂直“翻转”矩形,并且对于合法分区的数量仍然得到相同的结果。这会将一些“躺”配置映射到“直立”配置,并减少不同键的总量。


  • 如果矩形中正方形的数量大于“空格”的数量,我们可以将“空格”视为正方形,这会将另一组键映射在一起。


  • 如果sum < k和/或sum < m,我们可以减少k和/或m求和,并且仍然得到相同数量的分区。(这是影响最大的优化,因为它经常跳过多个冗余的中间步骤并经常达到m = k = sum


于 2020-10-12T11:06:04.887 回答

另一种方法是使用约束求解器并将其配置为显示所有解决方案。这是 MiniZinc 的解决方案:

include "globals.mzn";

int: sum = 15;
int: k = 4;
int: m = 10;

array[1..k] of var 1..m: numbers;

constraint sum(numbers) = sum;

constraint alldifferent(numbers);

constraint increasing(numbers);

solve satisfy;
于 2020-10-13T13:01:22.827 回答