我正在为 x 的几个不同函数绘制分岔图。我的困惑在于尝试使用 numpy 数组并将它们传递给序列函数中的条件。我可以成功地sequence(r, x)
and numpy.where(...)
#numpy.where(...) attempt
def sequence(r, x):
x1 = numpy.where(0 < x and x < 1/2, 0, 2 * r * x)
x2 = numpy.where(1/2 < x and x < 1, 0, 2 * r * (1 - x)
x = x1 + x2
return x[x != 0]
def sequence(r, x):
if 0 < x and x < 1/2:
return 2 * r * x
if 1/2 < x and x < 1:
return 2 * r * (1 - x)
def plot_bifurcation2():
n = 10000
r = np.linspace(.4, .7, n)
iterations = 1000
last = 100
x = 1e-6 * np.ones(n)
lyapunov = np.zeros(n)
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize = (8, 9), sharex = True)
for i in range(iterations):
x = sequence(r, x)
lyapunov += np.log(abs(r - 2 * r * x))
if i >= (iterations - last):
ax1.plot(r, x, ',k', alpha = .25)
ax1.set_xlim(2.5, 4)
ax1.set_title("Bifurcation diagram")
ax2.axhline(0, color = 'k', lw = .5, alpha = .5)
ax2.plot(r[lyapunov < 0], lyapunov[lyapunov < 0] / iterations, '.k', alpha = .5, ms = .5)
ax2.plot(r[lyapunov >= 0], lyapunov[lyapunov >= 0] / iterations, '.k', alpha = .5, ms = .5)
ax2.set_title("Lyapunov exponent")