I'm new to nextflow. We would like to build our workflow using nextflow and have nextflow deploy the workflow to a large mulit-institution Kubernetes cluster that we use.

In this cluster we don't have admin permission, we have a namespace we work in. Also, pods in our cluster have limited resources, but jobs have unlimited resources.

In looking at the documentation for nextflow + kubernetes and it says that the workflow runs under a Kubernetes pod, which raises red flags for me because of the limitation on pods in our cluster.

Is there a way to execute nextflow workflows as a kubernetes jobs instead of a pod? What are my options in this area?


1 回答 1


根据https://gitter.im/nextflow-io/nextflow上的对话,Nextflow 无法运行 Job,它仅支持生成 Pod。为工作流控制生成一个 pod,该 Pod 为各个任务生成 pod。

于 2020-09-23T16:27:38.753 回答