尝试了 7.0.1 和 8.0.1,对我来说效果很好。因此,我无法重现您的错误。(也许只是一个错字,区分大小写等)。无论如何,我同意 LateX 修改对于出版物来说几乎是强制性的。首先我也使用了 PSFrag,但我也经常不喜欢标签的位置,尤其是当你放置更复杂的表达式时。因此,我建议通过 PSTricks 进行中间步骤。这看起来像这样:
% need the grid only in the beginning for positioning
% put labels.
\rput[c]{90}(9.5,4){\Large{$\frac{E^2_\text{tot}}{V M_\mathrm{S}}$}}
% also to put extra lines, arrows, comments, etc. in LaTeX style, e.g.:
% \psline[linecolor=green,linewidth=2pt,linestyle=dashed]{->}(3.5,3.05)(9.1,3.05)
So there is some work you have to do by hand, but usually it is worth the time as the result really looks better, especially if it is for publication. However, keep in mind that in standard settings LaTeX uses the Computer Modern Font for formulae. This is not identical with e.g. Times New Roman, the typical choice for text. You can change this with the mathptmx package.