I am trying to benchmark Intel TBB bounded concurrent queue enqueue using Google benchmark. What I understand is that Google benchmark runs for n number of iterations till the latency becomes stable and returns the average timings. I want to find percentile latency (99, 90, 50, 10). I searched but couldn't find anything that can help me do this. The closest thing I found was using a custom statistics function provided by the user. But that only works with repetitions (running iterations for n repetitions) and works on the average timings returned, i.e, if I run the test for n number of repetitions, average timings are returned for n repetitions and I can find percentiles from the average timings. I don't get all the latencies recorded in all the iterations. I get only the average timings for each repetition to find percentile.


const auto PercentileCalc = [] (const std::vector<double>& v) {
    std::vector<double> delta(v.begin(), v.end());
    std::sort(delta.begin(), delta.end());
    return delta[std::ceil(99L*(delta.size()/100))];

static void benchmarkTBB(benchmark::State& state) {
    char* src = new char(0);
    tbb::concurrent_bounded_queue<char*> m_queue;
    for(auto _:state) {
BENCHMARK(benchmarkTBB)->Repititions(100)->ComputeStatistics("percentile", PercentileCalc);

Is there any way to calculate percentile latencies using google Benchmark ?


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