我的问题是我的 XPATH 规则无法正常工作。我希望它选择 DataFile 元素属性 Filename 不是“thing.xml”的所有 XML。我还添加了示例 XML,以便于理解。

这是我的 XPATH 规则:

/document[transport/sender[code='12345678'] and metaxml/LetterMetaData[Type='invoice'] and SignedDoc/DataFile[@Filename!='thing.xml']]

这是我希望我的XPATH 规则忽略的 XML :

    <DataFile Filename="thing.xml">...</DataFile>

这是我希望我的 XPATH 规则不要忽略的 XML :

    <DataFile Filename="file_with_other_name_than_thing.xml">...</DataFile>

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Which is the child of the root node (/)? If your document is well formed should not be document and your XPath is evaluating to nothing. For instance, the following XPath:


applied on this input:

            <DataFile Filename="thing.xml">...</DataFile>
            <DataFile Filename="file_with_other_name_than_thing.xml">...</DataFile>

returns the second document node only. Notice that root's child is docs.

if you don't want to select starting from the root you should use //:

于 2011-06-15T06:53:36.033 回答