我需要在我的应用程序中使用跨应用程序域调用,有时我有这个 RemotingException:
UPD 我在目标对象的终结器中设置了断点,它永远不会命中。因此,这个对象是活着的并且没有被 GC 处理。
我需要在我的应用程序中使用跨应用程序域调用,有时我有这个 RemotingException:
UPD 我在目标对象的终结器中设置了断点,它永远不会命中。因此,这个对象是活着的并且没有被 GC 处理。
更新:不幸的是,2008 年或更早的 MSDN 杂志问题不再可在线浏览,而只能作为 .chm 文件下载到本地计算机。以前的问题可以在以下位置找到:
这是因为服务器端的 Lifetime 管理在对象的租约到期时断开连接,以允许 GC 收集它。如果你尝试从客户端使用它,你会得到一个异常,即使它还没有在服务器上被 GC 处理(例如,因为还有另一个对它的引用)但是租约已经过期。这是为了避免不可预测的行为。接受的答案为如何正确管理远程 .NET 对象的生命周期提供了很好的参考。
我遇到了同样的问题,我在许多 StackOverflow 帖子的帮助下搜索了很多小时。
我的“Loader”类继承自 MarshalByRefObject,我使用 ISponsor 类保持它的活力。我知道 .NET 中存在“ClientSponsor”,但我无法确定是否以及何时调用 Renewal(),因此我在 StackOverflow 社区的帮助下创建了我的课程(阅读代码注释):
/// <see cref="https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18680664/remoting-sponsor-stops-being-called"/>
public class RemotingSponsor : MarshalByRefObject, ISponsor, IDisposable
* @CoryNelson said :
* I've since determined that the ILease objects of my sponsors
* themselves are being GCed. They start out with the default 5min lease
* time, which explains how often my sponsors are being called. When I
* set my InitialLeaseTime to 1min, the ILease objects are continually
* renewed due to their RenewOnCallTime being the default of 2min.
ILease _lease;
public RemotingSponsor(MarshalByRefObject mbro)
_lease = (ILease)RemotingServices.GetLifetimeService(mbro);
if (_lease == null) throw new NotSupportedException("Lease instance for MarshalByRefObject is NULL");
public TimeSpan Renewal(ILease lease)
Debug.WriteLine("RemotingSponsor.Renewal called");
return this._lease != null ? lease.InitialLeaseTime : TimeSpan.Zero;
public void Dispose()
if (_lease != null)
_lease = null;
public override object InitializeLifetimeService()
* @MatthewLee said:
* It's been a long time since this question was asked, but I ran into this today and after a couple hours, I figured it out.
* The 5 minutes issue is because your Sponsor which has to inherit from MarshalByRefObject also has an associated lease.
* It's created in your Client domain and your Host domain has a proxy to the reference in your Client domain.
* This expires after the default 5 minutes unless you override the InitializeLifetimeService() method in your Sponsor class or this sponsor has its own sponsor keeping it from expiring.
* Funnily enough, I overcame this by returning Null in the sponsor's InitializeLifetimeService() override to give it an infinite timespan lease, and I created my ISponsor implementation to remove that in a Host MBRO.
* Source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18680664/remoting-sponsor-stops-being-called
return (null);
// Loader and Container for MarshalByRefObject in another domain
public class PluginFile : IDisposable
private RemotingSponsor _sponsor; // Keep instance not to have Sponsor Garbage Collected
private AppDomain _sandbox;
private ICustomPlugin[] _plugins; // I do not store real instances of Plugins, but a "CustomPluginProxy" which is known both by main AppDomain and Plugin AppDomain.
// Constructor : load an assembly file in another AppDomain (sandbox)
public PluginFile(System.IO.FileInfo f, AppDomainSetup appDomainSetup, Evidence evidence)
Directory = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(f.FullName) + @"\";
_sandbox = AppDomain.CreateDomain("sandbox_" + Guid.NewGuid(), evidence, appDomainSetup);
// - Instanciate class "Loader" INSIDE OTHER APPDOMAIN, so we couldn't use new() which would create in main AppDomain.
_loader = (Loader)Activator.CreateInstance(
BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance,
// - Load plugins list for assembly
_plugins= _loader.LoadPlugins(f.FullName);
// - Keep object created in other AppDomain not to be "Garbage Collected". I create a sponsor. The sponsor in registed for object "Lease". The LeaseManager will check lease expiration, and call sponsor. Sponsor can decide to renew lease. I not renewed, the object is garbage collected.
// - Here is an explanation. Source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12306497/how-do-the-isponsor-and-ilease-interfaces-work
_sponsor = new RemotingSponsor(_loader);
// Here is my SOLUTION after many hours ! I had to sponsor each MarshalByRefObject (plugins) and not only the main one that contains others !!!
foreach (ICustomPlugin plugin in Plugins)
ILease lease = (ILease)RemotingServices.GetLifetimeService((PluginProxy)plugin);
lease.Register(_sponsor); // Use the same sponsor. Each Object lease could have as many sponsors as needed, and each sponsor could be registered in many Leases.
PluginProxy 类型具有对真实插件类型的引用。实际上,PluginProxy 在 Plugin AppDomain 中实例化,并返回到主 AppDomain,以允许它调用 Plugins,即使它忽略了它们的真实类型。因此,可以从主 AppDomain 访问的 PluginProxy 必须被序列化以跨越 AppDomains 限制。我遇到了问题,因为我没有赞助这些 MarshalByRefObject(s) :
/// <see cref="https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4185816/how-to-pass-an-unknown-type-between-two-net-appdomains"/>
public class PluginProxy : MarshalByRefObject, ICustomPlugin
private ICustomPlugin _hostedPlugin;
/// <summary>
/// Parameterless constructor for deserialization
/// </summary>
public PluginProxy()
Debug.WriteLine("DESTRUCTOR ~PluginProxy");
/// <summary>
/// Constructor reserved from real Plugin type
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name"></param>
public PluginProxy(ICustomPlugin hostedPlugin)
_hostedPlugin = hostedPlugin;
public PluginName Name => _hostedPlugin.Name;
public PluginResult Execute(PluginParameters parameters, PluginQuery query)
return(_hostedPlugin.Execute(parameters, query));
StackOverflow:ISponsor 和 ILease 接口如何工作?
这发生在我们身上,因为我们的一个类中有一个 AppDomain 类型的静态变量。该类用于长期运行的 Windows 服务。AppDomain 有一个 InitializeLifetimeService 方法,需要像这样重写:
public override object InitializeLifetimeService(){
return null;
我们一直使用它作为私有变量,为自定义构建的外部逻辑加载和卸载一些 dll。答案取自这里:msdn answer
因为我们无法在生产时更改这一点,所以我们以比静态 AppDomain 变量的生命周期更短的随机间隔重新启动 Windows 服务结束,通过反复试验,我们发现它是几天。
这个问题已经在 StackOverflow 上得到了非常详细的回答。TL/DR:
返回 nullClientSponsor
让您的对象存活更长时间。 就我而言,问题是在客户端计算机中,有一个虚拟网络适配器处于活动状态,禁用虚拟网络适配器,问题就解决了
内文件夹中的 SQL LocalDB 上Web
. 一旦修复,瞧,它工作。