我正在用 C++ 编写一个光线追踪器,到目前为止只有球体,在实现了 Phong 的反射模型、阴影和反射之后,一切似乎都运行良好。当我实现折射和菲涅尔时,我似乎无法让事情看起来正确。我一直在考虑这是否可能是因为当我在球体对象内部/外部时如何移动 rayOrigin 但在尝试和谷歌搜索之后我仍然无法正确处理。

下面是一张图片。灰色背景是一个大的漫射球体,红色球体后面的较小的蓝色球体也是漫射的。其他是反射和折射的,ior 为 1.5-1.6。有两个点灯,一个稍微偏左,一个稍微偏右。 在此处输入图像描述


Vec3 trace(Vec3& rayOrigin, Vec3& rayDirection, unsigned recursiveDepth, std::vector<Sphere>& spheres, std::vector<Light>& lights, RenderOption& options) {
    //Finding nearest intersecting object
    float nearestDepth = 1e8;
    Sphere nearestObject;
    unsigned id = 0;
    Vec3 origin = rayOrigin + rayDirection * BIAS;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < spheres.size(); ++i) {
        if (spheres[i].intersect(origin, rayDirection)) {
            if (spheres[i].depth < nearestDepth) {
                nearestDepth = spheres[i].depth;
                nearestObject = spheres[i];
                id = i;

    Vec3 backgroundColor = Vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
    if (!nearestObject.exists) {
        //No intersecting object -> background cooler
        return backgroundColor;
    } else {    
        Vec3 totalColor;
        Vec3 lightDirection;

        //Ambient color
        totalColor += options.ambientColor * nearestObject.ambientColor; //Ambient color set to 0

        //Calculate fresnel, update fresnelReflection & fresnelRefraction of nearestObject sent in
        fresnel(rayDirection, nearestObject);

        //Recursive reflection and refraction
        if ((nearestObject.reflectivity > 0.0f || nearestObject.transparency > 0.0f) && recursiveDepth < options.recursionDepth) {
            //Reflection case
            if (nearestObject.fresnelReflection > 0.0f) {
                Vec3 reflection = computeReflection(rayDirection, nearestObject.normal);
                Vec3 reflectedColor = trace(nearestObject.intersection, reflection, ++recursiveDepth, spheres, lights, options);
                totalColor += reflectedColor * nearestObject.fresnelReflection;
            //Refraction case
            if (nearestObject.fresnelRefraction > 0.0f) {
                Vec3 refractionDirection = computeRefraction(rayDirection, nearestObject.normal, nearestObject.indexOfRefraction, nearestObject.intersection);
                Vec3 refractedColor = trace(nearestObject.intersection, refractionDirection, ++recursiveDepth, spheres, lights, options);
                totalColor += refractedColor * nearestObject.fresnelRefraction;
        //Phong reflection model and shadows
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < lights.size(); ++i) {
            //Shadow ray
            Vec3 intersectionPointBias = nearestObject.intersection + nearestObject.normal * BIAS;
            Vec3 shadowRayDirection = lights[i].position - intersectionPointBias; //normalized in intersect function

            for (unsigned k = 0; k < spheres.size(); ++k) //kolla inte nearestObject mot sig själv
                if (!spheres[k].intersect(intersectionPointBias, shadowRayDirection))
                    lightDirection = lights[i].position - nearestObject.normal;
                    totalColor += lights[i].diffuse * std::max(0.0f, nearestObject.normal.dot(lightDirection)) * nearestObject.diffuseColor;

                    Vec3 viewDirection = nearestObject.intersection - options.cameraOrigin;
                    Vec3 reflection = lightDirection - nearestObject.normal * 2 * (nearestObject.normal.dot(lightDirection));
                    totalColor += lights[i].specular * nearestObject.specularColor * std::max(0.0f, pow(reflection.dot(viewDirection), nearestObject.shininessCoefficient));
        return totalColor;


Vec3 computeRefraction(const Vec3& I, const Vec3& N, const float &ior, Vec3& intersection) {
    Vec3 normal = N; normal.normalize();
    normal = normal;
    Vec3 incident = I; incident.normalize();
    float cosi = incident.dot(normal);
    float n1, n2;
    if (cosi > 0.0f) { 
        //Incident and normal have same direction, INSIDE sphere
        n1 = ior;
        n2 = 1.0f;
        normal = -normal;
    } else { 
        //Incident and normal have opposite direction, OUTSIDE sphere
        n1 = 1.0f;
        n2 = ior;
        cosi = -cosi;

    float eta = n1 / n2;
    float k = 1.0f - (eta * eta) * (1.0f - cosi * cosi);

    if (k < 0.0f) {   
        //internal reflection
        Vec3 reflectionRay = computeReflection(incident, normal);
        intersection = intersection + (normal * BIAS);
        return reflectionRay;
    } else {
        Vec3 refractionVector = incident * eta + normal * (eta * cosi - sqrt(k));
        intersection = intersection - (normal * BIAS);
        return refractionVector;


void fresnel(const Vec3& I, Sphere& obj) {
    Vec3 normal = obj.normal;
    Vec3 incident = I;
    float cosi = clamp(-1.0f, 1.0f, incident.dot(normal));
    float etai = 1.0f, etat = obj.indexOfRefraction;
    if (cosi > 0) {
        std::swap(etai, etat);
    float sint = etai / etat * sqrt(std::max(0.0f, 1 - cosi * cosi));
    if (sint >= 1) {
        obj.fresnelReflection = 1.0f;
        obj.fresnelRefraction = 0.0f;
    } else {
        float cost = sqrt(std::max(0.0f, 1 - sint * sint));
        cosi = abs(cost);
        float Rs = ((etat * cosi) - (etai * cost)) / ((etat * cosi) + (etai * cost));
        float Rp = ((etai * cosi) - (etat * cost)) / ((etai * cosi) + (etat * cost));
        obj.fresnelReflection = (Rs * Rs + Rp * Rp) / 2;
        obj.fresnelRefraction = 1.0f - obj.fresnelReflection;


Vec3 computeReflection(const Vec3& rayDirection, const Vec3& objectNormal){
    Vec3 normal = objectNormal;
    Vec3 incident = rayDirection;
    Vec3 reflection = incident - normal * (normal.dot(rayDirection)) * 2;
    return reflection;



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