
但是,drake 似乎没有将创建的文件路径合并到其缓存中。




foo <- function(bar) {
  y <- pmax(1:3, bar)
  qplot(x = 1:3, y = y, geom = "point")

plan_a <- drake::drake_plan(
  parameter = 1:3,

  figure = target(
    dynamic = map(parameter)

  figure_export_path = target(
    paste(parameter, 'pdf', sep = '.'),
    dynamic = map(parameter),
    format = "file" # This line seems to invalidate the cache
  figure_export = target(
    ggsave(figure_export_path, figure),
    dynamic = map(figure_export_path, figure)

plan_b <- drake::drake_plan(
  parameter = 1:3,
  figure = target(
    dynamic = map(parameter)
  figure_export_path = target(
    paste(parameter, 'pdf', sep = '.'),
    dynamic = map(parameter),
    # format = "file" # This line seems to invalidate the cache
  figure_export = target(
    ggsave(figure_export_path, figure),
    dynamic = map(figure_export_path, figure)

rerun(2, drake::make(plan = plan_a))
#> ▶ target parameter
#> ▶ dynamic figure
#> > subtarget figure_0b3474bd
#> > subtarget figure_b2a5c9b8
#> > subtarget figure_71f311ad
#> ■ finalize figure
#> ▶ dynamic figure_export_path
#> > subtarget figure_export_path_0b3474bd
#> Warning: missing dynamic files for target figure_export_path_0b3474bd:
#>   1.pdf
#> > subtarget figure_export_path_b2a5c9b8
#> Warning: missing dynamic files for target figure_export_path_b2a5c9b8:
#>   2.pdf
#> > subtarget figure_export_path_71f311ad
#> Warning: missing dynamic files for target figure_export_path_71f311ad:
#>   3.pdf
#> ■ finalize figure_export_path
#> ▶ dynamic figure_export
#> > subtarget figure_export_25d05a3f
#> Saving 7 x 5 in image
#> > subtarget figure_export_4e67ff77
#> Saving 7 x 5 in image
#> > subtarget figure_export_5ac7bd49
#> Saving 7 x 5 in image
#> ■ finalize figure_export
#> ▶ dynamic figure_export_path
#> > subtarget figure_export_path_0b3474bd
#> > subtarget figure_export_path_b2a5c9b8
#> > subtarget figure_export_path_71f311ad
#> ■ finalize figure_export_path
#> ▶ dynamic figure_export
#> > subtarget figure_export_e284629c
#> Saving 7 x 5 in image
#> > subtarget figure_export_7278fc00
#> Saving 7 x 5 in image
#> > subtarget figure_export_72064f81
#> Saving 7 x 5 in image
#> ■ finalize figure_export
#> [[1]]
rerun(2, drake::make(plan = plan_b))
#> ▶ dynamic figure_export_path
#> > subtarget figure_export_path_0b3474bd
#> > subtarget figure_export_path_b2a5c9b8
#> > subtarget figure_export_path_71f311ad
#> ■ finalize figure_export_path
#> ▶ dynamic figure_export
#> > subtarget figure_export_5a8b1281
#> Saving 7 x 5 in image
#> > subtarget figure_export_05ed8067
#> Saving 7 x 5 in image
#> > subtarget figure_export_3c33e0b9
#> Saving 7 x 5 in image
#> ■ finalize figure_export
#> ✓ All targets are already up to date.
#> [[1]]

reprex 包(v0.3.0)于 2020 年 8 月 3 日创建


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