我正在将 Flutter Web 用于 Web 应用程序,并且无法将图像从图像选择器转换为文件以便将其上传到我的服务器。我在 Image.file(xxx) 中显示图像,但出现错误:

尝试加载资产时出错:FormatException: Illegal scheme character (at character 6) Image(image:%20MemoryImage(Uint8List%234267a,%20scale:%201),%20frameBuilder...


Future getImage(bool isCamera) async {

    Image image;

    if (isCamera) {
      image = await FlutterWebImagePicker.getImage;
    } else {

     var bytes = await rootBundle.load('$image');
    String tempPath = (await getTemporaryDirectory()).path;
    File file = File('$tempPath/profile.png');

    await file.writeAsBytes(
        bytes.buffer.asUint8List(bytes.offsetInBytes, bytes.lengthInBytes));

    setState(() {
      currentSelfie = file;
      _accDetails['customer_selfie'] = currentSelfie;



2 回答 2


我已经测试了这个包,对结果imagePickerWeb非常满意,它返回 3 种不同的类型,可以是图像(预览小部件)、字节、文件(上传)的形式


 html.File _cloudFile;
 var _fileBytes;
 Image _imageWidget;
 Future<void> getMultipleImageInfos() async {
    var mediaData = await ImagePickerWeb.getImageInfo;
    String mimeType = mime(Path.basename(mediaData.fileName));
    html.File mediaFile =
        new html.File(mediaData.data, mediaData.fileName, {'type': mimeType});

    if (mediaFile != null) {
      setState(() {
        _cloudFile = mediaFile;
        _fileBytes = mediaData.data;
        _imageWidget = Image.memory(mediaData.data);
于 2020-08-04T12:22:36.900 回答

I havent used the plugin although your code has 2 issues. One is the if statement and the second one is using Rootbundle. If you are picking from the filesystem, my assumption isCamera would be false. You have not added any logic for the falsy condition.

 if (isCamera) {// This would be true if the source was camera
  image = await FlutterWebImagePicker.getImage;
 } else {



var bytes = await rootBundle.load('$image');

From the flutter documentation, rootbundle contains the resources that were packaged with the application when it was built. Those are assets that you define in your pubspec. yaml. You are selecting an image at runtime hence its not bundled as an asset.

Since the package appears to return an image object, use the toByteData method on the image i.e

image = await FlutterWebImagePicker.getImage;
await image.toByteData();//This method has some parameters. Look into them
于 2020-08-09T23:50:20.770 回答