这是我的代码,它看起来像这样。(不是我知道的最有效的代码)。现在,我想stars使用animate. 但我不确定如何在一个程序中使用display和一起使用。animate任何帮助,将不胜感激。谢谢。


import Graphics.Gloss

main = display (InWindow "Gloss" (700,700) (0,0))
           black (picture 100)
picture :: Float -> Picture
picture 0 = text "Value cannot be 0"
picture number = scale 6.5 6.5 (color rose $ drawpicture number)

orangered, orangered2, orangered3 :: Color
orangered = makeColor 1.0 0.251 0.0 0.7
orangered2 = makeColor 1.0 0.251 0.0 0.5
orangered3 = makeColor 1.0 0.251 0.0 0.3

intervalsmall = [0,11.25,22.5,33.75,45,56.25,67.5,78.75]
intervalbig = [0,22.5,45,67.5,90,112.5,135,157.5,180,202.5,225,247.5,270,292.5,315,337.5]
xlist = [2,4..50]
ylist = [0,2..48]

squares = pictures[rotate x (line [(-50,0),(0,50),(50,0),(0,-50),(-50,0)]) | x <- intervalsmall]
stars = pictures[rotate x ((pictures [line [(-8.5,0),(0,50),(8.5,0)],line[(0,50),(0,0)]])) | x <- intervalbig]
grid = pictures[line [(0,y),(x,50)] | x <- xlist, y <- ylist, x-y==2]
insidegrid = pictures[
    translate 0 (-50) grid,
    rotate 90 (translate 0 (-50) grid),
    rotate 180 (translate 0 (-50) grid),
    rotate 270 (translate 0 (-50) grid)]

drawpicture :: Float -> Picture
drawpicture number = pictures [
    color red (pictures [circle 50,circle 8.5]),
    line [(-50,-50),(-50,50),(50,50),(50,-50),(-50,-50)],
    scale 0.7 0.7 squares,
    scale 0.49 0.49 squares,
    scale 0.347 0.347 squares,
    scale 0.242 0.242 squares,
    color orange stars,
    color orange (scale 0.178 0.178 stars),
    rotate 11.25 (scale 0.178 0.178 stars), 
    translate (-50) 0 grid,
    rotate 90 (Translate (-50) 0 grid),
    rotate 180 (Translate (-50) 0 grid),
    rotate 270 (Translate (-50) 0 grid),
    color orangered insidegrid,
    color orangered2 (rotate 45 insidegrid),
    color orangered3 (rotate 22.5 insidegrid),
    color orangered3 (rotate 67.5 insidegrid)

2 回答 2



import Graphics.Gloss

main = animate (InWindow "Gloss" (700,700) (0,0))
           black picture

picture :: Float -> Picture
picture 0 = text "Value cannot be 0"
picture number = scale 6.5 6.5 (color rose $ drawpicture number)

orangered, orangered2, orangered3 :: Color
orangered = makeColor 1.0 0.251 0.0 0.7
orangered2 = makeColor 1.0 0.251 0.0 0.5
orangered3 = makeColor 1.0 0.251 0.0 0.3

intervalsmall = [0,11.25,22.5,33.75,45,56.25,67.5,78.75]
intervalbig = [0,22.5,45,67.5,90,112.5,135,157.5,180,202.5,225,247.5,270,292.5,315,337.5]
xlist = [2,4..50]
ylist = [0,2..48]

squares = pictures[rotate x (line [(-50,0),(0,50),(50,0),(0,-50),(-50,0)]) | x <- intervalsmall]
stars = pictures[rotate x ((pictures [line [(-8.5,0),(0,50),(8.5,0)],line[(0,50),(0,0)]])) | x <- intervalbig]
grid = pictures[line [(0,y),(x,50)] | x <- xlist, y <- ylist, x-y==2]
insidegrid = pictures[
    translate 0 (-50) grid,
    rotate 90 (translate 0 (-50) grid),
    rotate 180 (translate 0 (-50) grid),
    rotate 270 (translate 0 (-50) grid)]

rotVal :: Float -> Float
rotVal x = x - (x / (2*pi))

drawpicture :: Float -> Picture
drawpicture number = pictures [
    rot $ color red (pictures [circle 50,circle 8.5]),
    line [(-50,-50),(-50,50),(50,50),(50,-50),(-50,-50)],
    rot $ squares,
    rot $ scale 0.7 0.7 squares,
    rot $ scale 0.49 0.49 squares,
    rot $ scale 0.347 0.347 squares,
    rot $ scale 0.242 0.242 squares,
    rot $ color orange stars,
    rot (color orange (scale 0.178 0.178 stars)),
    rot (rotate 11.25 (scale 0.178 0.178 stars)),
    translate (-50) 0 grid,
    rotate 90 (Translate (-50) 0 grid),
    rotate 180 (Translate (-50) 0 grid),
    rotate 270 (Translate (-50) 0 grid),
    rot $ color orangered insidegrid,
    rot $ color orangered2 (rotate 45 insidegrid),
    rot $ color orangered3 (rotate 22.5 insidegrid),
    rot $ color orangered3 (rotate 67.5 insidegrid)
  where rot = rotate (rotVal number)
于 2013-11-02T02:47:12.200 回答

为您写出所有内容太多了,但您只需向您的图片函数添加另一个参数,它是 aFloat并代表时间。所以display会被animate. 所以。

main = animate (InWindow "Gloss" (700,700) (0,0))
           black (picture 100)

picture :: Float -> Float -> Picture
picture number time = -- whatever you have to do

您必须更改您的辅助绘图功能才能使用此时间参数。假设您想每 5 秒旋转一次整体思考,您可以将这个时间相乘并得到一个角度,angle = time*(pi*2/5)然后您可以使用这个角度进行三角函数从中心计算新的 x 和 y 位置。

于 2013-10-30T17:43:48.080 回答