
month val1 val2 val3
1      2    3    5
2      3    4    7
3      5    1    2
4      7    4    3
5      2    6    4
6      2    2    2

我的初始列中的最后一个月在这里是 6,但可以是从第 1 个月到第 12 个月的任何时间。我想根据最后 2 个值计算滚动平均值,直到第 12 个月的每个 val 列。得到这样的东西:

month val1 val2 val3
1      2    3    5
2      3    4    7
3      5    1    2
4      7    4    3
5      2    6    4
6      2    2    2
7      2    4    3
8      2    3    2.5
9      2   3.5   2.75
10     2   3.25  2.63
11     2   3.38  2.69
12     2   3.32  2.66

2 回答 2


定义以下函数,根据最后 2 行生成当年剩余时间的行:

def getRest(last2):
    last2 = last2.set_index('month')
    lastMonth = last2.index[1]
    rv = []
    for mnth in range(lastMonth, 12):
        newRow = last2.mean()
        newRow.name = mnth + 1
        last2 = last2.drop([mnth - 1])
        last2 = last2.append(newRow)
    return rv

然后通过以下方式调用它,与原始 DataFrame 连接:

pd.concat([df, pd.concat(getRest(df.iloc[-2:]), axis=1).T.reset_index()
    .rename(columns={'index': 'month'})], ignore_index=True)


    month  val1    val2     val3
0       1   2.0  3.0000  5.00000
1       2   3.0  4.0000  7.00000
2       3   5.0  1.0000  2.00000
3       4   7.0  4.0000  3.00000
4       5   2.0  6.0000  4.00000
5       6   2.0  2.0000  2.00000
6       7   2.0  4.0000  3.00000
7       8   2.0  3.0000  2.50000
8       9   2.0  3.5000  2.75000
9      10   2.0  3.2500  2.62500
10     11   2.0  3.3750  2.68750
11     12   2.0  3.3125  2.65625


于 2020-07-12T18:49:06.467 回答



import pandas as pd
import numpy as np 

# create dataframe with the first month removed to show the solution is generalizable
df = pd.DataFrame({'month':[2,3,4,5,6],'val1':[3,5,7,2,2],'val2':[4,1,4,6,2],'val3':[7,2,3,4,2]})

   month  val1  val2  val3
0      2     3     4     7
1      3     5     1     2
2      4     7     4     3
3      5     2     6     4
4      6     2     2     2

# extract values of the dataframe as numpy and perform rolling operations
# separate out months from other columns
array_values = df.drop(columns = 'month').values

# loop from most recent month to month 12 
for month in range(df.month.iloc[-1],12):
    array_values = np.append(array_values, np.apply_along_axis(np.mean, 0,array_values[-2:]).reshape(1,3), axis = 0)

array_months = np.append(df.month.values, np.arange(df.month.values[-1]+1,13,1))
array_months = array_months.reshape(len(array_months),1)
array_values = np.append(array_months, array_values, axis = 1)

new_df = pd.DataFrame(data = array_values, columns = df.columns)
new_df.month = new_df.month.astype('int')


    month  val1    val2     val3
0       2   3.0  4.0000  7.00000
1       3   5.0  1.0000  2.00000
2       4   7.0  4.0000  3.00000
3       5   2.0  6.0000  4.00000
4       6   2.0  2.0000  2.00000
5       7   2.0  4.0000  3.00000
6       8   2.0  3.0000  2.50000
7       9   2.0  3.5000  2.75000
8      10   2.0  3.2500  2.62500
9      11   2.0  3.3750  2.68750
10     12   2.0  3.3125  2.65625
于 2020-07-12T17:49:58.583 回答