使用 python,你有 input() 它需要一个用户输入,你可以将它分配给一个变量,然后做你想做的事。我听说过 .split() 方法,但不知道如何在我的代码中实现它。我想创建一个使用 def() 的函数,因此我可以多次回调该函数,同时询问用户是否要完成该过程、结束它或执行另一个函数
print("Hello, welcome to the change calculator")
print("Here we will ask you to tell us the amount of each individual coins you have")
#create variables that hold the amount each one states such as five pence would == £0.05
fivepence = 0.05
tenpence = 0.10
twentypence = 0.20
fiftypence = 0.50
onepound = 1
twopound = 2
#Get the user to input everything
fivepencetotal = input(("How many 5 Pence coins do you have? : ")) * fivepence
tenpencetotal = input(("How many 10 Pence coins do you have? : ")) * tenpence
twentypencetotal = input(("How many 20 Pence coins do you have? : ")) * twentypence
fiftypencetotal = input(("How many 50 pence coins do you have? : ")) * fiftypence
onepoundtotal = input(("How many 1 Pound coins do you have? : ")) * onepound
twopoundtotal = input(("How many 2 pound coins do you have? : ")) * twopound
#function to add everything and do the opposite if that is what the user wants
def changeaddup():
print("do you want to add everything up?")
print("Type either Yes, yes , Y or y to add all your change up")
if input( "Yes","yes","Y","y"):
print("Just calculating how much money you have based on the data you have inputed")
print("Here you have a total of £", fivepencetotal + tenpencetotal + twentypencetotal + fiftypencetotal + onepoundtotal + twopoundtotal)