我想知道你是否可以让 Inform7say "Welcome to the room!". 在你进入那个房间时只显示一次。您之前键入的所有命令都不会重新触发此消息,但如果您离开并重新进入房间,它将再次显示。



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您可以使用新的非此即彼的属性(在本例中为“新到达”)记录演员是否刚刚到达房间- 将其设置在“去”动作的后规则中,并在每个转规则。问候语文本可以在另一个轮流规则中显示 -一个更具体的规则,以确保它在清除属性的一般规则之前运行- 仅限于说问候语的人(本例中的“问候者”)既是在正确的房间(在本例中为“The Greeting Room”)并且能够看到一个新来的人:

A person can be a new arrival.
A person is usually not a new arrival.

After going:
    now the actor is a new arrival;
    continue the action.

Every turn when the Greeter is in the Greeting Room and the Greeter can see a new arrival person:
    if the player can see the Greeter:
        say "Welcome to the Greeting Room![line break]".

Every turn:
    repeat with newcomer running through new arrival people:
        now the newcomer is not a new arrival.
于 2020-06-15T16:05:10.807 回答