. 这些函数并不意味着由用户调用——这就是为什么它们被注册为方法而不是被导出的原因。
> emmeans(mod, ~spp, component = "cond")
spp emmean SE df lower.CL upper.CL
GP 0.440 0.225 624 -0.00146 0.881
PR -0.382 0.483 624 -1.32983 0.566
DM 0.596 0.203 624 0.19723 0.994
EC-A 0.145 0.327 624 -0.49699 0.787
EC-L 0.991 0.231 624 0.53814 1.445
DES-L 1.009 0.188 624 0.64015 1.379
DF 0.332 0.217 624 -0.09448 0.758
Results are averaged over the levels of: mined
Results are given on the log (not the response) scale.
Confidence level used: 0.95
> emmeans(mod, ~spp, type = "response")
spp response SE df lower.CL upper.CL
GP 1.553 0.349 624 0.999 2.41
PR 0.682 0.329 624 0.265 1.76
DM 1.814 0.368 624 1.218 2.70
EC-A 1.156 0.378 624 0.608 2.20
EC-L 2.695 0.622 624 1.713 4.24
DES-L 2.744 0.516 624 1.897 3.97
DF 1.394 0.303 624 0.910 2.13
Results are averaged over the levels of: mined
Confidence level used: 0.95
Intervals are back-transformed from the log scale
您可以通过以下方式查看模型的零膨胀部分compoenent = "zi"
> emmeans(mod, ~spp, component = "zi", type = "response")
spp response SE df lower.CL upper.CL
GP 0.455 0.1064 624 0.2646 0.660
PR 0.763 0.1406 624 0.4115 0.937
DM 0.273 0.1128 624 0.1097 0.534
EC-A 0.719 0.1020 624 0.4870 0.873
EC-L 0.365 0.1085 624 0.1864 0.590
DES-L 0.278 0.0989 624 0.1275 0.503
DF 0.132 0.1150 624 0.0207 0.522
Results are averaged over the levels of: mined
Confidence level used: 0.95
Intervals are back-transformed from the logit scale
目前,似乎无法估计实际的平均响应 (1 - zi)*(cond mean);这很有用,但相当混乱,因为它需要结合这两个组件。