我最近设置了 mautic 并且我还为 mautic 设置了 cron 作业,但是我应该如何检查它们是否在工作,或者如果它不工作有什么错误?

这是我的 cron .. 当然,根据文档我有多个 crons 设置。但他们看起来都是这样的。

/usr/bin/php /home/xyz/public_html/mautic/app/console mautic:messages:send > /home/xyz/public_html/mautic/cron_logs/messages_send.log 2>&1


Mautic version 2.16.0 - app/prod

  command [options] [arguments]

  -h, --help               Display this help message
  -q, --quiet              Do not output any message
  -V, --version            Display this application version
      --ansi               Force ANSI output
      --no-ansi            Disable ANSI output
  -n, --no-interaction     Do not ask any interactive question
  -s, --shell              Launch the shell.
      --process-isolation  Launch commands from shell as a separate process.
  -e, --env=ENV            The Environment name. [default: "prod"]
      --no-debug           Switches off debug mode.
  -v|vv|vvv, --verbose     Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug

Available commands:
  help                                    Displays help for a command
  list                                    Lists commands
  assets:install                          Installs bundles web assets under a public web directory
  bazinga:oauth-server:clean              Clean expired tokens
  cache:clear                             Clears the cache
  cache:warmup                            Warms up an empty cache
  config:debug                            Dumps the current configuration for an extension
  config:dump-reference                   Dumps the default configuration for an extension
  container:debug                         Displays current services for an application
  debug:config                            Dumps the current configuration for an extension
  debug:container                         Displays current services for an application
  debug:event-dispatcher                  Displays configured listeners for an application
  debug:router                            Displays current routes for an application
  debug:swiftmailer                       Displays current mailers for an application
  debug:translation                       Displays translation messages information
  debug:twig                              Shows a list of twig functions, filters, globals and tests
  doctrine:cache:clear                    Flush a given cache
  doctrine:cache:clear-collection-region  Clear a second-level cache collection region.
  doctrine:cache:clear-entity-region      Clear a second-level cache entity region.
  doctrine:cache:clear-metadata           Clears all metadata cache for an entity manager
  doctrine:cache:clear-query              Clears all query cache for an entity manager
  doctrine:cache:clear-query-region       Clear a second-level cache query region.
  doctrine:cache:clear-result             Clears result cache for an entity manager
  doctrine:cache:contains                 Check if a cache entry exists
  doctrine:cache:delete                   Delete a cache entry
  doctrine:cache:flush                    Flush a given cache
  doctrine:cache:stats                    Get stats on a given cache provider
  doctrine:database:create                Creates the configured database
  doctrine:database:drop                  Drops the configured database
  doctrine:database:import                Import SQL file(s) directly to Database.
  doctrine:ensure-production-settings     Verify that Doctrine is properly configured for a production environment.
  doctrine:fixtures:load                  Load data fixtures to your database.
  doctrine:generate:entities              Generates entity classes and method stubs from your mapping information
  doctrine:mapping:convert                Convert mapping information between supported formats.
  doctrine:mapping:import                 Imports mapping information from an existing database
  doctrine:migrations:diff                Generate a migration by comparing your current database to your mapping information.
  doctrine:migrations:execute             Execute a single migration version up or down manually.
  doctrine:migrations:generate            Generate a blank migration class.
  doctrine:migrations:latest              Outputs the latest version number
  doctrine:migrations:migrate             Execute a migration to a specified version or the latest available version.
  doctrine:migrations:status              View the status of a set of migrations.
  doctrine:migrations:version             Manually add and delete migration versions from the version table.
  doctrine:query:dql                      Executes arbitrary DQL directly from the command line.
  doctrine:query:sql                      Executes arbitrary SQL directly from the command line.
  doctrine:schema:create                  Executes (or dumps) the SQL needed to generate the database schema
  doctrine:schema:drop                    Executes (or dumps) the SQL needed to drop the current database schema
  doctrine:schema:update                  Executes (or dumps) the SQL needed to update the database schema to match the current mapping metadata.
  doctrine:schema:validate                Validate the mapping files.
  fos:oauth-server:clean                  Clean expired tokens
  generate:doctrine:entities              Generates entity classes and method stubs from your mapping information
  leezy:pheanstalk:delete-job             Delete the specified job if it exists.
  leezy:pheanstalk:flush-tube             Delete all job in a specific tube.
  leezy:pheanstalk:kick                   Kick buried jobs from a specific tube.
  leezy:pheanstalk:kick-job               Kick the specified job if it has a valid buried status, regardless of what tube it is in.
  leezy:pheanstalk:list-tube              The names of all tubes on the server.
  leezy:pheanstalk:next-ready             Gives the next ready job from a specified tube.
  leezy:pheanstalk:pause-tube             Temporarily prevent jobs being reserved from the given tube.
  leezy:pheanstalk:peek                   Inspect a job in the system, regardless of what tube it is in.
  leezy:pheanstalk:peek-tube              Take a peek at the first job in a tube, ready or burried.
  leezy:pheanstalk:put                    Puts a job on the queue.
  leezy:pheanstalk:stats                  Gives statistical information about the beanstalkd system as a whole.
  leezy:pheanstalk:stats-job              Gives statistical information about the specified job if it exists.
  leezy:pheanstalk:stats-tube             Gives statistical information about a specified tube, or about all tubes.
  lint:twig                               Lints a template and outputs encountered errors
  lint:yaml                               Lints a file and outputs encountered errors
  mautic:assets:generate                  Combines and minifies asset files from each bundle into single production files
  mautic:broadcasts:send                  Process contacts pending to receive a channel broadcast.
  mautic:campaigns:execute                Execute specific scheduled events.
  mautic:campaigns:messagequeue           Process sending of messages queue.
  mautic:campaigns:messages               Process sending of messages queue.
  mautic:campaigns:rebuild                Rebuild campaigns based on contact segments.
  mautic:campaigns:trigger                Trigger timed events for published campaigns.
  mautic:campaigns:update                 Rebuild campaigns based on contact segments.
  mautic:campaigns:validate               Validate if a contact has been inactive for a decision and execute events if so.
  mautic:citrix:sync                      Synchronizes registrant information from Citrix products
  mautic:contacts:deduplicate             Merge contacts based on same unique identifiers
  mautic:email:fetch                      Fetch and process monitored email.
  mautic:emails:fetch                     Fetch and process monitored email.
  mautic:emails:send                      Processes SwiftMail's mail queue
  mautic:import                           Imports data to Mautic
  mautic:install:data                     Installs Mautic with sample data
  mautic:integration:fetchleads           Fetch leads from integration.
  mautic:integration:pipedrive:fetch      Pulls the data from Pipedrive and sends it to Mautic
  mautic:integration:pipedrive:push       Pushes the data from Mautic to Pipedrive
  mautic:integration:pushactivity         Push lead activity to integration.
  mautic:integration:pushleadactivity     Push lead activity to integration.
  mautic:integration:synccontacts         Fetch leads from integration.
  mautic:iplookup:download                Fetch remote datastores for IP lookup services that leverage local lookups
  mautic:maintenance:cleanup              Updates the Mautic application
  mautic:messages:send                    Process sending of messages queue.
  mautic:migrations:generate              Generate a blank migration class.
  mautic:plugins:install                  Installs, updates, enable and/or disable plugins.
  mautic:plugins:reload                   Installs, updates, enable and/or disable plugins.
  mautic:plugins:update                   Installs, updates, enable and/or disable plugins.
  mautic:queue:process                    Process queues
  mautic:reports:scheduler                Processes scheduler for report's export
  mautic:segments:check-builders          Compare output of query builders for given segments
  mautic:segments:rebuild                 Update contacts in smart segments based on new contact data.
  mautic:segments:update                  Update contacts in smart segments based on new contact data.
  mautic:social:monitoring                Looks at the records of monitors and iterates through them.
  mautic:theme:json-config                Converts theme config to JSON from PHP
  mautic:transifex:pull                   Fetches translations for Mautic from Transifex
  mautic:transifex:push                   Pushes Mautic translation resources to Transifex
  mautic:translation:createconfig         Create config.php files for translations
  mautic:translation:debug                Displays translation messages informations
  mautic:unusedip:delete                  Deletes IP addresses that are not used in any other database table
  mautic:update:apply                     Updates the Mautic application
  mautic:update:find                      Fetches updates for Mautic
  mautic:webhooks:process                 Process queued webhook payloads
  oneup:uploader:clear-chunks             Clear chunks according to the max-age you defined in your configuration.
  oneup:uploader:clear-orphans            Clear orphaned uploads according to the max-age you defined in your configuration.
  orm:convert:mapping                     Convert mapping information between supported formats.
  rabbitmq:anon-consumer                  Executes an anonymous consumer
  rabbitmq:batch:consumer                 Executes a Batch Consumer
  rabbitmq:consumer                       Executes a consumer
  rabbitmq:delete                         Delete a consumer's queue
  rabbitmq:dynamic-consumer               Executes context-aware consumer
  rabbitmq:multiple-consumer              Executes a consumer that uses multiple queues
  rabbitmq:purge                          Purge a consumer's queue
  rabbitmq:rpc-server                     Start an RPC server
  rabbitmq:setup-fabric                   Sets up the Rabbit MQ fabric
  rabbitmq:stdin-producer                 Executes a producer that reads data from STDIN
  router:debug                            Displays current routes for an application
  router:dump-apache                      [DEPRECATED] Dumps all routes as Apache rewrite rules
  router:match                            Helps debug routes by simulating a path info match
  security:encode-password                Encodes a password.
  server:run                              Runs PHP built-in web server
  server:start                            Starts PHP built-in web server in the background
  server:status                           Outputs the status of the built-in web server for the given address
  server:stop                             Stops PHP's built-in web server that was started with the server:start command
  social:monitor:twitter:hashtags         Looks at our monitoring records and finds hashtags
  social:monitor:twitter:mentions         Searches for mentioned tweets
  swiftmailer:debug                       Displays current mailers for an application
  swiftmailer:email:send                  Send simple email message
  swiftmailer:spool:send                  Sends emails from the spool
  translation:debug                       Displays translation messages information
  translation:update                      Updates the translation file
  twig:debug                              Shows a list of twig functions, filters, globals and tests
  yaml:lint                               Lints a file and outputs encountered errors



3 回答 3


您是否尝试过在命令行运行 cron 任务?这将立即反馈您是否有正确的服务器配置路径并使用正确的命令。

另外值得注意的是,仅当您将电子邮件排队而不是立即发送时才使用 cron 作业 - 您可以发送测试电子邮件或使用立即发送而不是排队发送吗?活动是否成功触发?

于 2020-06-08T10:37:12.503 回答

cron 设置中缺少一件事,即处理队列中的电子邮件。
php /path/to/mautic/bin/console mautic:emails:send
php bin/console mautic:messages:send用于发送频率规则重新安排的营销活动消息


于 2021-07-01T04:57:32.657 回答


其次,您总是可以选择从您的 cron 作业生成日志,这就是我所做的,例如:

2,12,22,32,42,52 * * * * php /var/www/mautic2/app/console mautic:campaigns:trigger >>/tmp/camp-cron.log 2>&1



最后,从您对露丝回答的评论中,我看到您对队列有问题,那么您为什么不检查队列是否配置正确?就您发布的日志而言,它们是 php app/console 命令的结果,而不是来自 cron 的真实日志。


于 2020-06-12T18:45:52.657 回答