我对 lit-element 比较陌生,我尝试创建一个具有复选框的元素,理想情况下应该根据对 ajax 调用的响应进行检查。我运行我的代码时,无论 ajax 响应如何,都始终选中该复选框。我也收到此错误

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'shadowRoot' of undefined
    at HTMLElement.<anonymous> (fhir-active-status.js:57)
    at HTMLElement.fire (legacy-element-mixin.js:630)
    at HTMLElement._handleResponse (iron-ajax.js:551)


import {LitElement, html} from 'lit-element';
import '@material/mwc-formfield/mwc-formfield.js';
import '@material/mwc-checkbox/mwc-checkbox.js'
import '@polymer/iron-ajax/iron-ajax.js';

class FhirActiveStatus extends LitElement {
    static get properties() {
        return {
            /**activeStatus is used to show active status of person true or false. Use this property to show/hide. Default: true */
            activeStatus: {type:String},
            /**url is used to make AJAX call to FHIR resource. Default: null */
            url: {type:String},
            /**value is used to take the input value of each field*/
            value: {type:Boolean},

    /**default value of properties set in constructor*/
    constructor() {
        this.activeStatus = 'true';
        this.value = false;
        this.url = "";

   async updated() {
            this.shadowRoot.getElementById('ajax').addEventListener('iron-ajax-response', function (e) {
            var active = this.parentNode.host;
            if (e.detail.response.active) {
                active.shadowRoot.querySelector('.activeState').checked = true;

            else if (!e.detail.response.active) {
                active.shadowRoot.querySelector('.activeState').checked = false;
            else {

    render() {
        return html`
       <div id="activeDiv">
       ${this.activeStatus !== 'false' ? html`<mwc-formfield class="activeStatus" alignEnd label="ACTIVE STATUS:">
         <mwc-checkbox id="active" checked="${this.value}" class="activeState" on-click="${e => this.value = e.target.value}"></mwc-checkbox>
         </mwc-formfield>` : ''}
         <iron-ajax id="ajax" bubbles auto handle-as="json" url="${this.url}"></iron-ajax>

window.customElements.define('fhir-active-status', FhirActiveStatus);

1 回答 1


updated可以在组件未连接时触发,因此 this.parentNodeor this.parentNode.host将为空。on-Lit 不支持该前缀。您this.parentNode.removeChild用于在更新时删除元素,但该元素由模板管理。您正在使用querySelector('.activeState'),但即使它位于右侧shadowRoot,也容易出错,因为该元素仅在this.activeStatus !== 'false'.

而是使用 Lit 中的内置@event处理程序,并依靠组件生命周期为您工作,而不是试图覆盖它。

async ajaxResponse(e) {
    // Set properties in events, these will automatically queue up a render
    // You don't need to manipulate the DOM here
    this.value = e.detail.response.active;
    this.activeStatus = 'false';

render() {
    // This will be called after properties have changed
    // So if @iron-ajax-response calls this.ajaxResponse, 
    // and this.ajaxResponse sets this.activeStatus = 'false'
    // then this will be called again and hide the <mwc-* fields
    return html`
<div id="activeDiv">
    ${this.activeStatus !== 'false' ? html`
    <mwc-formfield class="activeStatus" alignEnd label="ACTIVE STATUS:">
        <mwc-checkbox id="active" checked=${this.value} class="activeState" 
             @click=${e => this.value = e.target.value}></mwc-checkbox>
    </mwc-formfield>` : ''}
    <iron-ajax id="ajax" bubbles auto handle-as="json" url=${this.url}
于 2021-05-06T20:51:44.873 回答