I cannot close the opened web page using webview flutter with window.close() functionality.

I am using webview_flutter in my application. The website that I've been using has a window.open() function that will open a new window that contains different URL. Inside the new window, there is a close button to close the new window using window.close(). This is working fine when I test it using Browser in my laptop and mobile device, but not working when I tried it on a Flutter application using the above webview plugin.

I am receiving this warning in my logs when I tapped the close button.

Scripts may close only the windows that were opened by it.

I also tried other plugins like flutter_webview_plugin , but no luck as well.

So I'm wondering if this feature for Flutter webview is already available?

Please help me, any suggestions or solutions is highly appreciated. Thank you all in advance!

Update: Packages that I've been tested and still not working


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于 2020-06-08T16:22:03.750 回答