I am implementing MFCC algorithm with Java. There is a sample code for triangular filters and MFCC at Java. Here is the link: MFCC Java However I should follow that code written in Matlab: MFCC Matlab

My question is that at Matlab code it talks about linear and logarithmic filters however there is nothing about that at Java code. I should measure the performance of logarithmic and linear filters but I implemented that Java code and there is nothing about that. Also I didn't understand what these fbins and cbins at Java code?


1 回答 1


Java 代码确实包含非线性转换,基本上将您的线性频率标度映射到 mel 标度。'cbins' 指的是每个滤波器组的中心(频率)。

Java 代码正是 MFCC 代码的样子。所以,它应该适合你。

于 2011-06-18T09:31:27.707 回答