多次运行脚本(重试 5 次),直到输出ps -fu user1 |wc -l
小于 2。
我为此编写了以下 ansible 剧本:
cat stop.yml
- hosts: dest_nodes
- name: Start service
include_tasks: "{{ playbook-dir }}/inner.yml"
retries: 5
delay: 4
until: stopprocesscount.stdout is version('2', '<')
cat inner.yml
- name: Start service
shell: ~/stop-all
register: stopprocess
- name: Start service
shell: ps -fu user1 |wc -l
register: stopprocesscount
ERROR! 'retries' is not a valid attribute for a TaskInclude
The error appears to be in '/app/playbook/stop.yml': line 19, column 9, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.
The offending line appears to be:
- name: Start service
^ here