我正在研究一个以几种不同类型的蛋白质作为列的数据集。它看起来像这样这是简化的,原始数据集包含 100 多种蛋白质。我想看看在考虑随机效应(=id)时,蛋白质的浓度是否因治疗而异。我设法一次运行多个重复的方差分析。但我也想根据治疗对所有蛋白质进行成对比较。我首先想到的是使用 emmeans 包,但我在编码时遇到了麻烦。

#install packages 

#Create a data set
id <- rep(c("1","2","3","4","5","6"),3)
Treatment <- c(rep(c("A"), 6), rep(c("B"), 6),rep(c("C"), 6))
Protein1 <- c(rnorm(3, 1, 0.4), rnorm(3, 3, 0.5), rnorm(3, 6, 0.8), rnorm(3, 1.1, 0.4), rnorm(3, 0.8, 0.2), rnorm(3, 1, 0.6))
Protein2 <- c(rnorm(3, 1, 0.4), rnorm(3, 3, 0.5), rnorm(3, 6, 0.8), rnorm(3, 1.1, 0.4), rnorm(3, 0.8, 0.2), rnorm(3, 1, 0.6))
Protein3 <- c(rnorm(3, 1, 0.4), rnorm(3, 3, 0.5), rnorm(3, 6, 0.8), rnorm(3, 1.1, 0.4), rnorm(3, 0.8, 0.2), rnorm(3, 1, 0.6))

DF <- data.frame(id, Treatment, Protein1, Protein2, Protein3) %>%
      mutate(id = factor(id),
      Treatment = factor(Treatment, levels = c("A","B","C")))

#First, I tried to run multiple anova, by using lapply
responseList <- names(DF)[c(3:5)]

modelList    <- lapply(responseList, function(resp) {
mF <- formula(paste(resp, " ~ Treatment + Error(id/Treatment)"))
aov(mF, data = DF)

lapply(modelList, summary)

#Pairwise comparison using emmeans. This did not work
wt_emm <- emmeans(modelList, "Treatment") 

> wt_emm <- emmeans(modelList, "Treatment")
Error in ref_grid(object, ...) : Can't handle an object of class  “list” 
 Use help("models", package = "emmeans") for information on supported models.


anova2 <- aov(cbind(Protein1,Protein2,Protein3)~ Treatment +Error(id/Treatment), data = DF)

#Pairwise comparison using emmeans. 
#I got only result for the whole dataset, instead of by different types of protein.
wt_emm2 <- emmeans(anova2, "Treatment")

> pairs(wt_emm2)
 contrast estimate   SE df t.ratio p.value
 A - B      -1.704 1.05 10 -1.630  0.2782 
 A - C       0.865 1.05 10  0.827  0.6955 
 B - C       2.569 1.05 10  2.458  0.0793 

我不明白为什么即使我在方差分析模型中使用了“cbind(Protein1, Protein2, Protein3)”。R 仍然只给我一个结果,而不是像下面这样

this is what I was hoping to get
 > Protein1
     A - B      
     A - C      
     B - C       
> Protein2
     A - B      
     A - C      
     B - C
> Protein3
     A - B      
     A - C      
     B - C


我一次运行一种蛋白质没有问题。但是,由于我要运行 100 多种蛋白质,因此将它们逐一编码非常耗时。



2 回答 2



#Pairwise comparison using emmeans. This did not work
wt_emm <- emmeans(modelList, "Treatment") 

你需要lapply像你一样在列表中lapply(modelList, summary)

modelList  <- lapply(responseList, function(resp) {
  mF <- formula(paste(resp, " ~ Treatment + Error(id/Treatment)"))
  aov(mF, data = DF)


lapply(modelList, function(x) pairs(emmeans(x, "Treatment")))

注意:用总和为零对比重新拟合模型 术语错误(公式,“错误”,数据 = 数据):找不到对象“mF”

attr(modelList[[1]], 'call')$formula
# mF


modelList  <- lapply(responseList, function(resp) {
  mF <- formula(paste(resp, " ~ Treatment + Error(id/Treatment)"))
  av <- aov(mF, data = DF)
  attr(av, 'call')$formula <- mF

lapply(modelList, function(x) pairs(emmeans(x, "Treatment")))

# [[1]]
# contrast estimate   SE df t.ratio p.value
#   A - B       -1.89 1.26 10 -1.501  0.3311 
#   A - C        1.08 1.26 10  0.854  0.6795 
#   B - C        2.97 1.26 10  2.356  0.0934 
# P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates 
# [[2]]
# contrast estimate   SE df t.ratio p.value
#   A - B       -1.44 1.12 10 -1.282  0.4361 
#   A - C        1.29 1.12 10  1.148  0.5082 
#   B - C        2.73 1.12 10  2.430  0.0829 
# P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates 
# [[3]]
# contrast estimate   SE df t.ratio p.value
#   A - B       -1.58 1.15 10 -1.374  0.3897 
#   A - C        1.27 1.15 10  1.106  0.5321 
#   B - C        2.85 1.15 10  2.480  0.0765 
# P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates 
于 2020-05-16T02:12:06.927 回答


responseList <- names(DF)[c(3:5)]

for(n in responseList) {
  anova2 <- aov(get(n) ~ Treatment +Error(id/Treatment), data = DF)
  wt_emm2 <- emmeans(anova2, "Treatment")


Note: re-fitting model with sum-to-zero contrasts
Note: Use 'contrast(regrid(object), ...)' to obtain contrasts of back-transformed estimates
 contrast estimate   SE df t.ratio p.value
 A - B       -1.41 1.26 10 -1.122  0.5229 
 A - C        1.31 1.26 10  1.039  0.5705 
 B - C        2.72 1.26 10  2.161  0.1269 

Note: contrasts are still on the get scale 
P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates 
Note: re-fitting model with sum-to-zero contrasts
Note: Use 'contrast(regrid(object), ...)' to obtain contrasts of back-transformed estimates
 contrast estimate   SE df t.ratio p.value
 A - B       -2.16 1.37 10 -1.577  0.2991 
 A - C        1.19 1.37 10  0.867  0.6720 
 B - C        3.35 1.37 10  2.444  0.0810 

Note: contrasts are still on the get scale 
P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates 
Note: re-fitting model with sum-to-zero contrasts
Note: Use 'contrast(regrid(object), ...)' to obtain contrasts of back-transformed estimates
 contrast estimate   SE df t.ratio p.value
 A - B       -1.87 1.19 10 -1.578  0.2988 
 A - C        1.28 1.19 10  1.077  0.5485 
 B - C        3.15 1.19 10  2.655  0.0575 

Note: contrasts are still on the get scale 
P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates


responseList <- names(DF)[c(3:5)]

output <- list()

for(n in responseList) {
  anova2 <- aov(get(n) ~ Treatment +Error(id/Treatment), data = DF)
  wt_emm2 <- emmeans(anova2, "Treatment")
  output[[n]] <- pairs(wt_emm2)
于 2020-05-16T01:46:40.853 回答