我有一个 Today Extension,它有一个UITableView.

当用户点击 中的某个项目时UITableView,它会使用 URL 方案打开包含应用程序并传递一些数据,以便包含应用程序可以打开用户点击的项目的特定视图。

问题是,从 SceneDelegate.swift 我可以处理 URL 方案,但似乎我无法制作特定的UITabBarController节目并打开用户点击的项目的详细信息视图。

请注意,我不是在尝试创建它们;它们已经从情节提要中创建并正在工作。我只想让它自动“导航”,就好像用户点击了 tableview 项目一样。


func scene(_ scene: UIScene, openURLContexts URLContexts: Set<UIOpenURLContext>) {
    // This part, I'm handling URL Scheme which is working fine
    let url = URLContexts.first!.url
    let urlComponents = URLComponents(url: url, resolvingAgainstBaseURL: false)
    let items = urlComponents?.queryItems
    var deepLinkArray: [URLQueryItem] = []
    deepLinkArray = items!

    // From here I will use datas I got from URL
    if let statusValue = deepLinkArray[0].value, let indexPathSection = deepLinkArray[1].value, let indexPathRow = deepLinkArray[2].value {
        todoStatusValueURL = Int(statusValue)!
        indexPathSectionURL = Int(indexPathSection)!
        indexPathRowURL = Int(indexPathRow)!

        // Here I want to show one of UITabBarController
        let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
        let snoozedVC = storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "SnoozedViewController") as! SnoozedViewController
        snoozedVC.self.tabBarController?.selectedIndex = todoStatusValueURL! // And this is not showing what I want

        // Additionally I want to show ItemDetailViewController as if user tapped the item in the tableview, and below code is also not working
        let detailVC = storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "DetailVC") as! DetailVC
        snoozedVC.navigationController?.pushViewController(detailVC, animated: true)


1 回答 1


First check if snoozedVC and TabBarController for that specific snoozedVC exist.. it will give you idea whats wrong with your code ... then move forward according to its result to check which part of your code is not working

if let snoozedVC = storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "SnoozedViewController") as? SnoozedViewController {
    if let tabBarController = snoozedVC.tabBarController {

            tabBarController.selectedIndex = todoStatusValueURL!

            }  else {
                 print("tab controller not found")
           } else {
                 print("SnoozedViewController not found")
于 2020-05-15T21:01:42.530 回答