所以大约一周前,我开始在 C# 中测试 Sockets,我想制作一对一的聊天应用程序,如果通过 NetworkStream 发送消息,可以打开该应用程序,但是,我遇到了一个问题,一旦按钮是按下,表单启动,但它被冻结。


if(args[0] == "liveChat") 
    messagingforms msgfrms = new messagingforms(); // The actual messaging form
    msgfrms.Show(); // Shows the messaging form but when it shows, it freezes
    SendMessage("liveChat"); // This is a function I created to send a message through the NetworkStream
}                           //  to start the messaging form for the client


// This is a snippet showing what happens when the form loaded
// There are variables such as ips to connect to, threads and NetworkStreams
private void messagingforms_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) // This is what happens when the messaging form loads
    ConnectionListenerThread = new Thread(ConnectionListener); 
    ConnectionListenerThread.Start(); // Starts the function below 

public static void ConnectionListener()  // This is the code for the client which tries to connect to the server
    tcpClient = new TcpClient();
    tcpClient.Connect(connectTo, 4535);
    dataStream = tcpClient.GetStream();
    MessageRecieverThread = new Thread(messageListener);
    MessageRecieverThread.Start(); // An infinite loop that sees if there are any incoming messages
    SendMessage("Test message"); // I did this to test if the connection was successfull, and it is but the form 
}                               //  still wouldnt start responding


private void messagingform_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

    startConnection = new Thread(awaitConnection);
    startConnection.Start(); // Starts the thread that listens for connections; the function below.

public static void awaitConnection()
    tcpListener = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Any, MessagingPort); // Starts to accept any incoming clients
    tcpListener.Start(); // Starts the tcp listener
    tcpClient = tcpListener.AcceptTcpClient(); // If there is an incoming client then it accepts it
    dataStream = tcpClient.GetStream(); // Gets the networkStream
    tcpListener.Stop(); // Stops listening for clients
    startListeningForMessages = new Thread(messageListener); // Starts listening for any incoming messages
    startListeningForMessages.Start(); // Starts the thread



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