我正在尝试在 python 中使用 Ubuntu VPS 服务器上的 Web 界面构建一个简单的 Indy-SDK 代理。 https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-sdk/tree/master/samples 我正在查看这些样本。那里有很多测试。你们有没有其他的资源来构建一个简单的 indy 演示,其中包含一些简单的 DID 操作和一个钱包?



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Indeed, the samples are more or less only for understanding the indy flow and all the stuff around indy.

There are basically 2 things:

  1. Ledger
  2. your application aka indy application

1) Ledger

First thing, you will need to create your private ledger. The best way is to use they script which runs docker containers as peer network with indy servers. Once the servers are up you should be ready to connect your application to indy network.

2) Application

Your application needs to know genesis tx to be able to connect to the ledger. Once your application is connected you can develop your logic. The getting started code should be enough. It covers 2) in the list below and it also creates DIDs for all entities with steward role.

So before doing your specific implementation you should understand and be familiar with:

  1. Indy documentation
  2. Indy getting started diagram - basic indy flow
  3. Watch this demonstration video

So, if you want to create Web Interfaces it should be basically copy&paste from getting-started sample.

Also if you just want to demonstrate what indy can do and you dont have time or resources to build your own application, you can take a look at this demonstration. It's more complex application with Aries and User interfaces but you have web ui with all the stuff.

于 2020-11-19T08:24:35.000 回答