我遇到了 Xcode - 版本 11.3.1 的问题。当代码在调试器点停止时,当我尝试调试代码低于错误时。

/Users/dhavalkansara/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Runner-eyrexmpjkcwrmggjgqgxkfyogvgk/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/Runner.app/Runner: Cannot load Swift type information; AST validation error in "Runner": The module file format is too old to be used by this version of the debugger.
Cannot create Swift scratch context (couldn't load the Swift stdlib)Cannot create Swift scratch context (couldn't load the Swift stdlib)Shared Swift state for Runner could not be initialized.
The REPL and expressions are unavailable.
Shared Swift state for Runner could not be initialized.
The REPL and expressions are unavailable.
Shared Swift state for Runner could not be initialized.
The REPL and expressions are unavailable.
Shared Swift state for Runner could not be initialized.
The REPL and expressions are unavailable.
Shared Swift state for Runner could not be initialized.
The REPL and expressions are unavailable.
Shared Swift state for Runner could not be initialized.
The REPL and expressions are unavailable.
Shared Swift state for Runner could not be initialized.
The REPL and expressions are unavailable.
Shared Swift state for Runner could not be initialized.
The REPL and expressions are unavailable.
Shared Swift state for Runner could not be initialized.
The REPL and expressions are unavailable.
Shared Swift state for Runner could not be initialized.
The REPL and expressions are unavailable.
Shared Swift state for Runner could not be initialized.
The REPL and expressions are unavailable.
Shared Swift state for Runner could not be initialized.
The REPL and expressions are unavailable.
Shared Swift state for Runner could not be initialized.
The REPL and expressions are unavailable.
Shared Swift state for Runner could not be initialized.
The REPL and expressions are unavailable.
Shared Swift state for Runner could not be initialized.
The REPL and expressions are unavailable.
Shared Swift state for Runner could not be initialized.
The REPL and expressions are unavailable.
  • 当我尝试使用lldb po varName打印变量值时,在下面的屏幕截图中,左侧的变量也没有可见值:



  • 已删除派生数据
  • 干净的构建
  • 重新启动 Xcode

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