我正在研究添加到由pytest-jsonor生成的 JSON 报告的方法pytest-json-report:我没有挂断任一插件。到目前为止,我已经使用pytest-json. 因此,例如,JSON 对象有一个测试用例

    "name": "fixture_test.py::test_failure1",
    "duration": 0.0012421607971191406,
    "run_index": 2,
    "setup": {
        "name": "setup",
        "duration": 0.00011181831359863281,
        "outcome": "passed"
    "call": {
        "name": "call",
        "duration": 0.0008759498596191406,
        "outcome": "failed",
        "longrepr": "def test_failure1():\n>       assert 3 == 4, \"3 always equals 3\"\nE       AssertionError: 3 always equals 3\nE       assert 3 == 4\n\nfixture_test.py:19: AssertionError"
    "teardown": {
        "name": "teardown",
        "duration": 0.00014257431030273438,
        "outcome": "passed"
    "outcome": "failed"

这是来自我正在尝试的实验。在实践中,一些测试用例是通过产生一个子流程来完成的,Popen并且断言是某个字符串出现在标准输出中。如果测试用例失败,我需要向包含该子进程的标准输出的调用字典添加一个键/值。到目前为止,我一直徒劳地尝试找到正确的固定装置或设备来完成此任务。似乎 pytest_exception_interact可能是要走的路,但到目前为止我还没有深入研究 JSON 结构。我需要做的就是在发生错误时添加/修改 JSON 结构。看来pytest_runtest_call太重了。



1 回答 1



pytest-json 有一些很棒的功能,但似乎没有维护。我从那里借用了一些想法和测试用例。

pytest-json-report项目正好处理我需要的情况:从子流程中捕获标准输出并将其放入 JSON 报告中。这样做的粗略示例如下:

import subprocess as sp
import pytest
import sys
import re

def specialAssertHandler(str, assertMessage):
    # because pytest automatically captures stdout,stderr this is all that's needed
    # when the report is generated, this will be in a field named "stdout"
    return assertMessage

def test_subProcessStdoutCapture():
    # NOTE: if you're version of Python 3 is sufficiently mature, add text=True also
    proc = sp.Popen(['find', '.', '-name', '*.json'], stdout=sp.PIPE)

    # NOTE: I had this because on the Ubuntu I was using, this is the version of
    # Python and the return of proc.stdout.read() is a binary object not a string
    if sys.version[0] == 3 and sys.version[6]:
        output = proc.stdout.read().decode()
    elif sys.version[0] == 2:
        # The other version of Python I'm using is 2.7.15, it's exceedingly frustrating
        # that the Python language def changed so between 2 and 3.  In 2, the output
        # was already a string object
        output = proc.stdout.read()

    m = re.search('some string', output)
    assert m is not None, specialAssertHandler(output, "did not find 'some string' in output")


            "nodeid": "expirment_test.py::test_stdout",
            "lineno": 25,
            "outcome": "failed",
            "keywords": [
            "setup": {
                "duration": 0.0002694129943847656,
                "outcome": "passed"
            "call": {
                "duration": 0.02718186378479004,
                "outcome": "failed",
                "crash": {
                    "path": "/home/afalanga/devel/PyTest/expirment_test.py",
                    "lineno": 32,
                    "message": "AssertionError: Expected to find always\nassert None is not None"
                "traceback": [
                        "path": "expirment_test.py",
                        "lineno": 32,
                        "message": "AssertionError"
                "stdout": "./.report.json\n./report.json\n./report1.json\n./report2.json\n./simple_test.json\n./testing_addition.json\n\n",
                "longrepr": "..."
            "teardown": {
                "duration": 0.0004875659942626953,
                "outcome": "passed"



于 2020-05-06T20:22:26.233 回答