I have been trying to get the minimum for a function of a single variable. The function is:
sym.sqrt((x+6)**2 + 25) + sym.sqrt((x-6)**2 - 121)
The function's derivative (which is (x - 6)/sym.sqrt((x - 6)**2 - 121) + (x + 6)/sym.sqrt((x + 6)**2 + 25)) blows up for x equal to -5 ad becomes complex for x greater than that (for example, -4) but less than 18 (which we can ignore for simplicity here), due to the first term. Therefore, I wrote the code to only evaluate the function for x between -6 and -10 (by inspection, I could see that the minimum was around -8.6, so I chose -10):
def h(x):
for x in np.arange(-10,-5):
sym.sqrt((x+6)**2 + 25) + sym.sqrt((x-6)**2 - 121)
result = optimize.minimize_scalar(h,bounds=(-10,-5))
x_min = result.x
Unfortunately, I got this error:
TypeError: ufunc 'isnan' not supported for the input types, and the inputs could not be safely coerced to any supported types according to the casting rule ''safe''
Can someone help me with this issue?