我正在尝试对uint128_t由 2 uint64_ts 组成的除法。奇怪的是,该函数uint64_t仅适用于 s 设置的下限值和上限值 = 0。我不明白为什么。


class uint128_t{
      uint64_t UPPER, LOWER;
      // lots of stuff

    uint128_t operator<<(int shift){
        uint128_t out;
        if (shift >= 128)
            out = uint128_t(0, 0);
        else if ((128 > shift) && (shift >= 64))
            out = uint128_t(LOWER << (64 - shift), 0);
        else if (shift < 64)
            out = uint128_t((UPPER << shift) + (LOWER >> (64 - shift)), LOWER << shift);
        return out;

    uint128_t operator<<=(int shift){
        *this = *this << shift;
        return *this;

    uint128_t operator/(uint128_t rhs){
            // copy of numerator = copyn
            uint128_t copyn(*this), quotient = 0;// constructor: uint128_t(T), uint128_t(S, T), uint128_t(uint128_t), etc
            while (copyn >= rhs){
                // copy of denomiator = copyd
                // temp is the current quotient bit being worked with
                uint128_t copyd(rhs), temp(1);
                // shift the divosr to the highest bit
                while (copyn > (copyd << 1)){
                    copyd <<= 1;
                    temp <<= 1;
                copyn -= copyd;
                quotient += temp;
            return quotient;
// more stuff



3 回答 3


out = uint128_t(LOWER << (64 - shift), 0);是错误的 - 它应该是shift - 64

作为样式说明,ALL_CAPITALS 通常只为常量保留。变量和成员应主要使用小写字母。

于 2011-05-27T05:33:29.697 回答


// some bit operations stuff
const unsigned char de_brujin_bit_map_64 [] = 
inline uint8_t trailing_zero_count(uint64_t x) { return x?de_brujin_bit_map_64[(lower_bit(x)*0x0218A392CD3D5DBFL) >> 58]:64; }
inline uint8_t leading_zero_count(uint64_t x) { return x?(63-de_brujin_bit_map_64[(upper_bit(x)*0x0218A392CD3D5DBFL) >> 58]):64; }
inline uint64_t lower_bit(uint64_t x) { return x & -(int64_t&)x; }
inline uint64_t upper_bit(uint64_t x)
    if(!x) return 0;
    x |= x >> 1; x |= x >> 2; x |= x >> 4; x |= x >> 8; x |= x >> 16;  x |= x >> 32;
    return (x >> 1) + 1;
inline uint128_t upper_bit(const uint128_t x) 
    if(x.upper()) return uint128_t(upper_bit(x.upper()), 0); 
    else return uint128_t(0, upper_bit(x.lower())); 
inline uint128_t lower_bit(const uint128_t x) 
    if(x.lower()) return uint128_t(0, lower_bit(x.lower())); 
    else return uint128_t(lower_bit(x.upper()), 0); 
inline uint8_t trailing_zero_count(const uint128_t& x) { return x.lower()?trailing_zero_count(x.lower()):(64+trailing_zero_count(x.upper())); }
inline uint8_t leading_zero_count(const uint128_t& x) { return x.upper()?leading_zero_count(x.upper()):(64+leading_zero_count(x.lower())); }

// division operator
uint128_t uint128_t::operator/(const uint128_t& rhs) const
    if(rhs == 0) return uint128_t(0); // !!!! zero division
    if(rhs == rhs) return uint128_t(1);
    if(rhs > *this) return uint128_t(0);
    if(rhs == 1) return *this;
    if(!upper_ && !rhs.upper_) return uint128_t(0, lower_/rhs.lower_);
    if(lower_bit(rhs) == rhs) return *this >> trailing_zero_count(rhs);
    uint128_t result;
    uint128_t bit_mask = upper_bit();
    uint128_t denom = 1;
        bit_mask >>= 1;
        denom <<= 1;
        if(*this & bit_mask) denom |= 1;
        result <<= 1;
        if(denom >= rhs) { denom -= rhs; result |= 1; }
    while (bit_mask.lower_ != 1);
    return result;
于 2011-08-23T12:09:35.593 回答


确保针对 127 进行 4000 次迭代:

uint128_t divident = uint128_t(0xffffffffffffffffULL, 0xffffffffffffffffULL);
uint128_t divisor = 10;
    uint32_t iter_count = 0;
    uint128_t copyn(divident), quotient = 0;
    while (copyn >= divisor)
        uint128_t copyd(divisor), temp(1);
        while ((copyn >> 1) > copyd) { ++iter_count; copyd <<= 1; temp <<= 1; }
        copyn -= copyd;
        quotient += temp;
    std::cout << "iterations: " << std::dec << iter_count << std::endl;
    uint32_t iter_count = 0;
    uint128_t bit_pos = dtl::bits::upper_bit(divident);
    uint128_t tmp = 1, quotient = 0;
        bit_pos >>= 1;
        tmp <<= 1;
        if(divident & bit_pos) tmp |= 1;
        quotient <<= 1;
        if(tmp >= divisor) { tmp -= divisor; quotient |= 1; }
    while (bit_pos != 1);
    std::cout << "iterations: " << std::dec << iter_count << std::endl;
于 2011-08-25T06:11:29.603 回答