由 2 uint64_t
s 组成的除法。奇怪的是,该函数uint64_t
仅适用于 s 设置的下限值和上限值 = 0。我不明白为什么。
class uint128_t{
uint64_t UPPER, LOWER;
// lots of stuff
uint128_t operator<<(int shift){
uint128_t out;
if (shift >= 128)
out = uint128_t(0, 0);
else if ((128 > shift) && (shift >= 64))
out = uint128_t(LOWER << (64 - shift), 0);
else if (shift < 64)
out = uint128_t((UPPER << shift) + (LOWER >> (64 - shift)), LOWER << shift);
return out;
uint128_t operator<<=(int shift){
*this = *this << shift;
return *this;
uint128_t operator/(uint128_t rhs){
// copy of numerator = copyn
uint128_t copyn(*this), quotient = 0;// constructor: uint128_t(T), uint128_t(S, T), uint128_t(uint128_t), etc
while (copyn >= rhs){
// copy of denomiator = copyd
// temp is the current quotient bit being worked with
uint128_t copyd(rhs), temp(1);
// shift the divosr to the highest bit
while (copyn > (copyd << 1)){
copyd <<= 1;
temp <<= 1;
copyn -= copyd;
quotient += temp;
return quotient;
// more stuff