我正在尝试为 eady 流函数模型定义一些函数,如下一行所示:
# Geometry of the wave / domain / mean state:
Lx = 3800 # Zonal Wavelength in km
H = 10000 # tropopause height in meters
Shear = 30/H # shear in sec^-1
k = 2*np.pi/(Lx*1000) # wavenumber (zonal)
l = np.pi/3.e6 # meridional wavenumber in 1/m
# Constants:
cor = 2*(7.292e-5)*np.sin(np.pi/4) # Coriolis parameter
bv2 = 1.e-4 # buoyancy frequency squared
sigma = 2.e-6 # static stability parameter
R = 287 # gas constant
# Grid points on which fields are computed:
xx = np.linspace(0,1.5*Lx,151) # gridpoints in x
yy = np.linspace( -1500,1500,101) # gridpoints in y
zz = np.linspace(0,H,51) # gridpoints in z
# Set array for grid system in x, y, and z
x,y,z = np.meshgrid(xx*1000, yy*1000, zz)
# Define coefficients for the model
mu2 = ((bv2*(H**2))/cor**2)*(k**2 + l**2)
mu = np.sqrt(mu2)
c = (Shear*H/2) + ((Shear*H)/mu)*np.sqrt((mu/2 - coth(mu/2))*(mu/2 - tanh(mu/2)))
# Note: try switching this to (Shear*H/2) - (Shear*H/mu)*...
ci = np.imag(c)
cr = np.real(c)
t = 0*np.pi/(10*cr*k)
A = 2.e7 # streamfunction amplitude (arbitrary)
B = -A*Shear*H/(mu*c)
Psi_z = A*cosh(mu*z/H) + B*sinh(mu*z/H)
我注意到在使用以下消息获取数组的双曲 sin 和 cos 时出现错误:
TypeError: cannot create mpf from array (mu*z/H) for both sin and cos.