
没有重力或阻力。两艘宇宙飞船在开始时都有一个位置和一个速度。B 飞船在没有加速的情况下继续前进,所以 A 飞船需要加速以拉近它们之间的距离,然后在到达 B 飞船的位置时匹配速度。


我希望输出采用多个轨迹腿的形式,即:leg1:加速方向 x t1 秒,leg2:滑行 t2 秒,leg3:加速方向 y t3 秒。


我试图做一个脉冲来平衡速度并将它添加到一个向宇宙飞船 B 移动的脉冲,但即使宇宙飞船 A 最终以正确的速度结束,它也无法到达目标位置。我自己尝试了这些冲动,它们似乎按预期执行,所以我猜这是我将它们加在一起的方式,这就是问题所在。我不知道我是否执行不正确,或者这种方法根本行不通。我希望有更强的数学和物理技能的人能启发我。


// var velocityAdjustmentTime =  (int)Math.Sqrt(2 * velocityDelta.Length / tp.Acceleration);
            var velocityAdjustmentTime = (int)(velocityDelta.Length / tp.Acceleration);

            var velocityAdjustVector = velocityDelta;
            velocityAdjustVector *= tp.Acceleration;

            var targetAccelerationDisplacement = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0); // TODO: Replace this with proper values.

            Vector3D newPosition;
            Vector3D newVelocity;
            Vector3D targetNewPosition;

            // Check if the formation and the target already have a paralell course with the same velocity.
            if (velocityAdjustmentTime > 0)
                // If not, calculate the position and velocity after the velocity has been aligned.
                newPosition = tp.StartPosition + (tp.StartVelocity * velocityAdjustmentTime) + ((velocityAdjustVector * velocityAdjustmentTime * velocityAdjustmentTime) / 2);
                newVelocity = tp.StartVelocity + velocityAdjustVector * velocityAdjustmentTime;
                targetNewPosition = tp.TargetStartPosition + (tp.TargetStartVelocity * velocityAdjustmentTime) + targetAccelerationDisplacement;

                // Else, new and old is the same.
                newPosition = tp.StartPosition;
                newVelocity = tp.StartVelocity;
                targetNewPosition = tp.TargetStartPosition;

            // Get the new direction from the position after velocity change.
            var newDirection = targetNewPosition - newPosition;

            // Changing this value moves the end position closer to the target. Thought it would be newdirection length, but then it doesn't reach the target.
            var length = newDirection.Length;

            // I don't think this value matters.
            var speed = (int)(cruiseSpeed);

            var legTimes = CalculateAccIdleDecLegs(tp.Acceleration, length, speed);

            // Sets how much of the velocity change happens on the acceleration or deceleration legs.
            var velFactorAcc = 1;
            var velFactorDec = 1 - velFactorAcc;

            // Make the acceleration vector.
            accelerationVector = newDirection;
            accelerationVector *= legTimes[0] * tp.Acceleration;

            accelerationVector += velocityDelta * velFactorAcc;

            accelerationTime = (int)(accelerationVector.Length / tp.Acceleration);

            accelerationVector *= tp.Acceleration;

            // Make the acceleration order.
            accelerationLeg.Acceleration = accelerationVector;
            accelerationLeg.Duration = accelerationTime;

            // Make the deceleration vector.
            decelerationVector = newDirection;
            decelerationVector *= legTimes[2] * tp.Acceleration;

            decelerationVector += velocityDelta * velFactorDec;

            decelerationTime = (int)(decelerationVector.Length / tp.Acceleration);

            decelerationVector *= tp.Acceleration;

            // And deceleration order.
            decelerationLeg.Acceleration = decelerationVector;
            decelerationLeg.Duration = decelerationTime;

            // Add the orders to the list.

            // Check if there is an idle leg in the middle...
            if (legTimes[1] > 0)
                // ... if so, make the order and add it to the list.
                idleLeg.Duration = legTimes[1];


            // Add the deceleration order.


private static int[] CalculateAccIdleDecLegs(double acceleration, double distance, int cruiseSpeed)
        int[] legDurations = new int[3];
        int accelerationTime;
        int idleTime;
        int decelerationTime;

        // Calculate the max speed it's possible to accelerate before deceleration needs to begin.
        var topSpeed = Math.Sqrt(acceleration * distance);

        // If the cruise speed is higher than or equal to the possible top speed, the formation should accelerate to top speed and then decelerate.
        if (cruiseSpeed >= topSpeed)
            // Get the time to accelerate to the max velocity.
            accelerationTime = (int)((topSpeed) / acceleration);

            // Idle time is zero.
            idleTime = 0;

            // Get the deceleration time.
            decelerationTime = (int)(topSpeed / acceleration);

        // Else, the formation should accelerate to max velocity and then coast until it starts decelerating.
            // Find the acceleration time.
            accelerationTime = (int)((cruiseSpeed) / acceleration);

            // Get the deceleration time.
            decelerationTime = (int)(cruiseSpeed / acceleration);

            // Calculate the distance traveled while accelerating.
            var accelerationDistance = 0.5 * acceleration * accelerationTime * accelerationTime;

            // Calculate the distance traveled while decelerating.
            var decelerationDistance = 0.5 * acceleration * decelerationTime * decelerationTime;

            // Add them together.
            var thrustDistance = accelerationDistance + decelerationDistance;

            // Find the idle distance.
            var idleDistance = distance - thrustDistance;

            // And the time to idle.
            idleTime = (int)(idleDistance / cruiseSpeed);

        legDurations[0] = accelerationTime;
        legDurations[1] = idleTime;
        legDurations[2] = decelerationTime;

        return legDurations;

3 回答 3



假设您分别拥有飞船 A 和 BxA0, vA0的初始位置和速度。xB0, vB0正如您所说, B 以无加速度和恒定速度移动vB0。因此,它沿直线均匀地行进。它的运动被描述为: xB = xB0 + t*vB0 宇宙飞船 A 可以打开和关闭恒定大小的加速度,a0但可以根据需要改变其方向。

我真的希望您的速度限制满足norm(vA0 - vB0) < v_max否则,您必须构建的加速控制变得更加复杂。

第 1 步:消除 A 和 B 的速度之间的差异。应用恒定加速度

a = a0 *(vB0 - vA0) / norm(vB0 - vA0)

到宇宙飞船 A。那么,A 和 B 的位置和速度随时间变化如下:

xA = xA0 + t*vA0 + t^2*a0*(vB0 - vA0)/(2*norm(vB0 - vA0))
vA = vA0 + t*a0*(vB0 - vA0)/norm(vB0 - vA0)
xB = xB0 + t*vB0
vB = vB0

在时间t1 = norm(vB0 - vA0)/a0,宇宙飞船 A 的速度vB0在大小和方向上与宇宙飞船 B 的速度相等。t1如果 A 关闭它的加速度并保持它关闭,它将平行于 B 行进,只是在空间上有一个偏移量。

说明:(算法不需要,但解释了后续步骤中使用的计算)由于飞船 B 以恒定速度 vB0 沿直线匀速行进,它实际上定义了一个惯性坐标系。换句话说,如果我们平移原始坐标系并将其附加到 B,则新系统沿直线以恒定速度行进,因此也是惯性的。变换是伽利略的,因此可以定义以下坐标变化(在两个方向上)

y = x - xB0 - t*vB0
u = v - vB0

x = y + xB0 + t*vB0
v = u + vB0

t1步骤 1 开始,两艘飞船的位置分别为

xA1 = xA0 + t1*vA0 + t1^2*a0*(vB0 - vA0)/(2*norm(vB0 - vA0))
xB1 = xB0 + t*vB0

并且它们的速度是vA1 = vB1 = vB0。因此

yA1 = xA1 - xB0 - t1*vB0  

yB1 = xB1 - xB0 - t1*vB0 = xB0 + t1*vB0 - xB0 - t1*vB0  = 0

在这个坐标系中,如果在时间t1A 关闭它的加速度并保持它关闭,它将只是静止的,即它的位置yA1不会随时间变化。现在,我们所要做的就是将 A 从点移动yA1到沿由向量定义的0直线段(从 A 指向原点 B)。这个想法是,现在 A 可以简单地以恒定加速度移动一段时间,获得一些不超过速度限制的速度,然后关闭加速度并飞行一段时间,这有待确定,速度,最后打开减速沿着时间,在时间AB- yA1 = vector(AB)AB(t2-t1)uA2morm(uA2 + vB0) < v_max(t3-t2)uA2AB(t4-t3) = (t2-t1)t4A 和 B 相遇,A 的速度为 0(在新的坐标系中,与 B 一起飞行的那个)。这意味着两艘船位于相同的位置,并且在原始坐标系中具有相同的速度(作为矢量)。


yA = yA1 - (t-t1)^2*a0*yA1/(2*norm(yA1))
uA = (t-t1)*a0*yA1/norm(yA1)

所以在t2(所有点yA1, yA2, yA3并且0是共线的):

yA2 = yA1 - (t2-t1)^2*a0*yA1/(2*norm(yA1)) = (norm(yA1)-(t2-t1)^2*a0/(2*norm(yA1))) * yA1
uA2 = (t2-t1)*a0*yA1/norm(yA1)

norm(yA2 - yA1) = norm( yA1 - (t2-t1)^2*a0*yA1/(2*norm(yA1)) - yA1 ) 
                = norm(- (t2-t1)^2*a0*yA1/(2*norm(yA1))) 
                = (t2-t1)^2*(a0/2)*norm(yA1/norm(yA1))
                = (t2-t1)^2*a0/2
norm(yA1) = norm(yA2 - yA1) + norm(yA3 - yA2) + norm(0 - yA3)

norm(yA3 - yA2) = norm(yA1) - norm(yA2 - yA1) - norm(0 - yA3) 
                =  norm(yA1) - (t2-t1)^2*a0

(t3-t2) = norm(yA3 - yA2) / norm(uA2) = ( norm(yA1) - (t2-t1)^2*a0 )/norm(uA2)


yA1 = xA1 - xB1
uA2 = vA2 - vB0 
(t3-t2) = ( norm(xA1 - xB1) - (t2-t1)^2*a0 )/norm(vA2 - vB0)


t3 = t2 + ( norm(xA1 - xB1) - (t2-t1)^2*a0 )/norm(vA2 - vB0)

步骤 2:如前所述,t1从步骤 1 开始,两艘飞船的位置是

xA1 = xA0 + t1*vA0 + t1^2*a0*(vB0 - vA0)/(2*norm(vB0 - vA0))
xB1 = xB0 + t*vB0

并且它们的速度是vA1 = vB1 = vB0

在时间t1应用加速a = a0*(xB1 - xA1)/norm(xB1 - xA1)。那么,A 和 B 的位置和速度随时间变化如下:

xA = xA1 + (t-t1)*vB0 + (t-t1)^2*a0*(xB1 - xA1)/(2*norm(xB1 - xA1))
vA = vB0 + (t-t1)*a0*(xB1 - xA1)/norm(xB1 - xA1)
xB = xB1 + (t-t1)*vB0 or if you prefer xB = xB0 + t*vB0
vB = vB0


t2 <= t1 + sqrt( norm(xA1 - xB1)/a0 )   (the time to get to the middle of ``AB`` accelerating)

and such that it satisfies

norm( vB0 - (t2 - t1)*a0*(xA1 - xB1)/norm(xA1 - xB1) ) < v_max


xA2 = xA1 + (t2-t1)*vB0 + (t2-t1)^2*a0*(xB1 - xA1)/(2*norm(xB1 - xA1))
vA2 = vB0 + (t2-t1)*a0*(xB1 - xA1)/norm(xB1 - xA1)
xB2 = xB1 + (t2-t1)*vB0   or if you prefer xB2 = xB0 + t2*vB0
vB2 = vB0


t3 = t2 + ( norm(xA1 - xB1) - (t2-t1)^2*a0 )/norm(vA2 - vB0)

并且由于 AvA2沿直线匀速运动:

xA3 = xA2 + (t3-t2)*vA2
vA3 = vA2
xB3 = xB2 + (t3-t2)*vB0   or if you prefer xB3 = xB0 + t3*vB0
vB3 = vB0

第 4 步:这是最后一段,当 A 减速与 B 相遇时:

t4 = t3 + (t2-t1)

在 timet3应用加速度a = a0*(xA1 - xB1)/norm(xA1 - XB1),与步骤 2 中的加速度完全相反。然后,A 和 B 的位置和速度随时间变化如下:

xA = xA3 + (t-t3)*vB3 + (t-t3)^2*a0*(xA1 - xB1)/(2*norm(xA1 - xB1))
vA = vB3 + (t-t3)*a0*(xA1 - xB1)/norm(xA1 - xB1)
xB = xB3 + (t-t3)*vB0 or if you prefer xB = xB0 + t*vB0
vB = vB0


xA4 = xB4  and vA4 = vB0


于 2020-04-18T02:10:41.327 回答


假设您分别拥有宇宙飞船 A 和 BxA0, vA0的初始位置和速度。xB0, vB0正如您所说, B 以无加速度和恒定速度移动vB0。因此,它沿直线均匀地行进。其运动描述为:xB = xB0 + t*vB0。宇宙飞船 A 可以打开和关闭恒定大小的加速度,a0但可以根据需要改变其方向。A 的速度不应超过某个值v_max > 0

由于宇宙飞船 B 以恒定速度沿直线匀速行进vB0,它实际上定义了一个惯性坐标系。换句话说,如果我们平移原始坐标系并将其附加到 B,则新系统沿直线以恒定速度行进,因此也是惯性的。变换是伽利略的,因此可以定义以下坐标变化(在两个方向上)

y = x - xB0 - t*vB0
u = v - vB0

x = y + xB0 + t*vB0
v = u + vB0

特别是,对于 B 的任何时刻,t我们得到

yB = xB - xB0 - t*vB0 = xB0 + t*vB0 - xB0 - t*vB0  = 0``


yA0 = xA0 - xB0  

uA0 = vA0 - vB0


y = x - xB
u = v - vB0

因此,在这个新的惯性坐标系中,我们正在解决控制理论问题并设计一个良好的控制,我们将使用 Lyapunov 函数(一个允许我们保证某些稳定行为并为加速度设计正确表达式的函数a)速度平方的大小L = norm(u)^2。我们希望设计加速度a,使运动初始阶段的李雅普诺夫函数单调稳定地减小,同时速度适当地重新定向。


L_unit = cross(x0A - xB0, v0A - vB0) / norm(cross(x0A - xB0, v0A - vB0))

设在与 B 相连的坐标系中,A 的运动满足常微分方程组(两个系统中的这些方程都是牛顿的,因为两个系统都是惯性的):

dy/dt = u

du/dt = - a0 * (u - cross(L_unit, u)) / norm(u - cross(L_unit, u))


a = - a0 * (u - cross(L_unit, u)) / norm(u - cross(L_unit, u))

通过设计观察这一点norm(a) = a0。因为向量ucross(L_unit, u)是正交的并且大小相等(只是cross(L_unit, u)向量 的九十度旋转u),所以分母简化为

norm(u - cross(L_unit, u)) = sqrt( norm(u - cross(L_unit, u))^2 ) 
                           = sqrt( norm(u)^2 + norm(L_unit, u)^2 )
                           = sqrt( norm(u)^2 + norm(L_unit)^2*norm(u)^2 )
                           = sqrt( norm(u)^2 + norm(u)^2)
                           = sqrt(2) * norm(u)


dy/dt = u

du/dt = -(a0/sqrt(2)) * u/norm(u) + (a0/sqrt(2)) * cross(L_unit, u)) / norm(u)

该系统的设计使 A 始终在通过原点 B 并垂直于向量 的平面中移动L_unit

因为ucross(L_unit, u)是垂直的,所以它们的点积为 0,这使我们能够沿着上述系统的解计算 lyapunov 函数的时间导数(u'表示列向量的转置u):

d/dt( L ) = d/dt( norm(u)^2 ) = d/dt( u' * u ) = u' * du/dt 
          = u' * (  -(a0/sqrt(2)) * u/norm(u) 
            + (a0/sqrt(2)) * cross(L_unit, u)) / norm(u) )
          = -(a0/sqrt(2)) * u'*u / norm(u) 
            + (a0/sqrt(2)) * u'*cross(L_unit, u)) / norm(u) 
          = -(a0/sqrt(2)) * norm(u)^2 / norm(u)
          = -(a0/sqrt(2)) * norm(u)
          = - (a0/sqrt(2)) * sqrt(L)

d/dt( L ) = -(a0/sqrt(2)) * sqrt(L) < 0

这意味着norm(u)随着时间的推移减少到 0,根据需要。



dy/dt = u / 2

du/dt = -(a0/sqrt(2)) u / norm(u)

dy/dt = u / 2

du/dt = (a0/sqrt(2)) cross(L_unit, u) / norm(u)


d/dt(norm(u)*2) = d/dt (dot(u, u)) = 2 * dot(u, du/dt) 
                = 2 * dot(u, (a0/sqrt(2)) * cross(L_unit , u))
                = 2 * (a0/sqrt(2)) * dot(u, cross(L_unit , u)) 
                = 0

我们得出结论,在该系统定义的运动过程中,速度的大小是恒定的,即norm(u) = norm(u0)在哪里u0 = u(0)。因此,系统及其解决方案现在看起来像:

First system:

dy/dt = u / 2

du/dt = -(a0/sqrt(2)) u / norm(u)

y(t) = y0  +  h * u0/2  -  t^2 * a0 * u0 / (4*sqrt(2)*norm(u0));
u(t) = u - t * a0 * u0 / (sqrt(2)*norm(u0));

Second system:

dy/dt = u / 2

du/dt = (a0/(sqrt(2)*norm(u0))) cross(L_unit, u) 

y(t) = y0 + (sqrt(2)*norm(u0)/a0) *( cross(L_unit, u0)
          + sin( t * a0/(sqrt(2)*norm(u0)) ) * u0  
          - cos( t  *a0/(sqrt(2)*norm(u0)) ) * cross(L_unit, u0) )     
u(t) = cos( t  *a0/(sqrt(2)*norm(u0)) ) * u0  
       + sin( t  *a0/(sqrt(2)*norm(u0)) ) * cross(L_unit, u0)

原始系统的解可以近似如下。选择一个时间步h。那么如果在 时刻宇宙飞船的t位置和速度已经计算为第一个时间系统,然后沿着第二个时间系统的解决方案移动。y, ut + hy, uh/2hh/2

function main()
    h = 0.3;
    a0 = 0.1;
    u_max = .8; % velocity threshold
    xB0 = [0; 0; 0];
    vB0 = [-1; 2; 0];
    xA0 = [ 7; 12; 0] + xB0;
    vA0 = [1; 5; 0]/7;
    %vA0 =  [2; -1; 0];
    L_unit = cross(xA0 - xB0, vA0 - vB0);
    L_unit =  L_unit / norm(L_unit);
    t = 0;
    xB = xB0;
    x = xA0;
    v = vA0;
    hold on
    grid on
    %axis([-200 20 -100 350])
    plot(0, 0, 'bo')

    % STEP 0 (the motion as described in the text above):
    n = floor(sqrt(2)*norm(vA0 - vB0)/(a0*h));
    for i=1:n
        [t, x, v, xB] = E(t, x, v, xB, vB0, a0, L_unit, h);
        plot(x(1), x(2), 'ro');
        plot(xB(1), xB(2), 'bo');
    u = v - vB0;
    norm_u = norm(u);
    % short additional decceleration so that A attains velocity v = vB0 
    t0 = t + norm_u/a0;    
    n = floor((t0 - t)/h); 
    a = - a0 * u / norm_u;    
    for i=1:n
        [t, x, v, xB] = ET(t, x, v, xB, vB0, a, h);
        plot(x(1), x(2), 'ro');
        plot(xB(1), xB(2), 'bo');
    [t, x, v, xB] = ET(t, x, v, xB, vB0, a, t0-t);
    plot(x(1), x(2), 'ro');
    plot(xB(1), xB(2), 'bo');
    % STEP 1 (uniform acceleration of magnitude a0):
    v = vB0; 
    a = x-xB;
    norm_y0 = norm(a);
    a = - a0 * a / norm_y0;
    %t2 = t1 + sqrt( norm_y/a0 ); 
    accel_time = min( u_max/a0, sqrt( norm_y0/a0 ) );
    t1 = t0 + accel_time;
    n = floor((t1 - t0)/h);     
    for i=1:n
       [t, x, v, xB] = ET(t, x, v, xB, vB0, a, h);
       plot(x(1), x(2), 'bo');
       plot(xB(1), xB(2), 'ro');
    [t, x, v, xB] = ET(t, x, v, xB, vB0, a, t1-t);
    plot(x(1), x(2), 'bo');
    plot(xB(1), xB(2), 'ro');
    % STEP 2 (uniform straight-line motion): 
    norm_y1 = norm(x-xB);
    norm_y12 = max(0, norm_y0 - 2*(norm_y0 - norm_y1));
    t12 = norm_y12 / norm(v-vB0)
    t = t + t12
    n12 = floor(t12/h)
    for i=1:n12
        x = x + h*v; 
        xB = xB + h*vB0;
        plot(x(1), x(2), 'ro');
        plot(xB(1), xB(2), 'bo');
    x = x + (t12-n12*h)*v; 
    xB = xB + (t12-n12*h)*vB0;
    plot(x(1), x(2), 'ro');
    plot(xB(1), xB(2), 'bo');

    % STEP 3 (uniform deceleration of magnitude a0, symmetric to STEP 1): 
    a = -a;
    for i=1:n % t2 + (t2-t1)
       [t, x, v, xB] = ET(t, x, v, xB, vB0, a, h);
       plot(x(1), x(2), 'bo');
       plot(xB(1), xB(2), 'ro');
    [t, x, v, xB] = ET(t, x, v, xB, vB0, a, t0+t12+2*accel_time-t);
    plot(x(1), x(2), 'bo');
    plot(xB(1), xB(2), 'ro');


% change of coordinates from world coordinates x, v 
% to coordinates y, u from spaship B's point of view:
function [y, u] = change(x, v, xB, vB0)
    y = x - xB;
    u = v - vB0;

% inverse chage of coordinates from y, u to x, v
function [x, v] = inv_change(y, u, xB, vB0)
    x = y + xB;
    v = u + vB0;

% solution to the second system of differential equations for a step h:
function [y_out, u_out] = R(y, u, a0, L_unit, h)
   omega = a0 / (sqrt(2) * norm(u));
   L_x_u = cross(L_unit, u);
   cos_omega_h = cos(omega*h);
   sin_omega_h = sin(omega*h);
   omega = 2*omega;
   y_out = y + (L_x_u ...
       + sin_omega_h * u  -  cos_omega_h * L_x_u) / omega;      
   u_out = cos_omega_h * u  +  sin_omega_h * L_x_u;

% solution to the first system of differential equations for a step h:
function [y_out, u_out] = T(y, u, a0, h)
    sqrt_2 = sqrt(2);
    u_unit = u / norm(u);  
    y_out = y  +  h * u/2  -  h^2 * a0 * u_unit/ (4*sqrt_2);
    u_out = u - h * a0 * u_unit / sqrt_2;

% approximate solution of the original system of differential equations for step h
% i.e. the sum of furst and second systems of differential equations:
function [t_out, x_out, v_out, xB_out] = E(t, x, v, xB, vB0, a0, L_unit, h)
   t_out = t + h;
   [y, u] = change(x, v, xB, vB0);
   [y, u] = R(y, u, a0, L_unit, h/2);
   [y, u] = T(y, u, a0, h);
   [y, u] = R(y, u, a0, L_unit, h/2);
   xB_out = xB + h*vB0;
   [x_out, v_out] = inv_change(y, u, xB_out, vB0);  

% straight-line motion with constant acceleration: 
function [t_out, x_out, v_out, xB_out] = ET(t, x, v, xB, vB0, a, h)
    t_out = t + h;
    [y, u] = change(x, v, xB, vB0);
    y = y  +  h * u  +  h^2 * a / 2;
    u = u + h * a;
    xB_out = xB + h*vB0;
    [x_out, v_out] = inv_change(y, u, xB_out, vB0);


我开发了两个模型。两种模型最初都在 B 惯性参考系中进行了描述y, u(请参阅我之前的答案),然后将坐标转换为原始坐标x, v。我将基于该函数的控制设计norm(u)^2为李雅普诺夫函数,因此在算法的第一步中,设计加速度使李雅普诺夫函数norm(u)^2稳定减小。第一个版本,下降的速度是二次的,但模型更容易积分,而第二个版本,下降的速度是指数的,但模型需要龙格-库塔积分。而且我还没有很好地调整它。我认为第 1 版应该看起来不错。

L_unit = cross(y0, u0) / norm(cross(y0, u0))

版本 1:型号为:

dy/dt = y
du/dt = - a0 * (u + cross(L_unit, u)) / norm(u + cross(L_unit, u))
      = - a0 * (u + cross(L_unit, u)) / (norm(u)*sqrt(1 + norm(L_unit)^2))
      = - a0 * (u + cross(L_unit, u)) / (sqrt(2) * norm(u))


dy/dt = y
du/dt = - a0 * u / norm(u)

dy/dt = y
du/dt = - a0 * cross(L_unit, u) / norm(u0)  (see previous answers)

并以小的h时间间隔将它们一个接一个地集成,然后在这两个系统之间连续来回移动。我尝试了一些 Matlab 代码:

function main()
    h = 0.3;
    a0 = 0.1;
    xB0 = [0; 0; 0];
    vB0 = [-1; 2; 0];
    xA0 = [ 7; 12; 0] + xB0;
    vA0 =  [2; -1; 0];
    L_unit = cross(xA0 - xB0, vA0 - vB0);
    L_unit =  L_unit / norm(L_unit);
    t = 0;
    xB = xB0;
    x = xA0;
    v = vA0;
    hold on
    grid on
    %axis([-200 20 -100 350])
    plot(0, 0, 'bo')
    n = floor(2*norm(v - vB0)/(h*a0));
    for i=1:n
        [t, x, v, xB] = R(t, x, v, xB, vB0, a0, L_unit, h/2);
        a = - a0 * (v - vB0) / norm(v - vB0);
        [t, x, v, xB] = T(t, x, v, xB, vB0, a, h/2);
        plot(x(1), x(2), 'ro');
        plot(xB(1), xB(2), 'bo');
    t1 = t + norm(v - vB0)/a0;
    n = floor((t1 - t)/h); 
    a = - a0 * (v - vB0) / norm(v - vB0);
    for i=1:n
        [t, x, v, xB] = T(t, x, v, xB, vB0, a, h);
        plot(x(1), x(2), 'ro');
        plot(xB(1), xB(2), 'bo');
    [t, x, v, xB] = T(t, x, v, xB, vB0, a, t1-t);
    plot(x(1), x(2), 'ro');
    plot(xB(1), xB(2), 'bo');
    t2 = t1 + sqrt( norm(x - xB)/a0 ); 
    n = floor((t2 - t1)/h);
    a = - a0 * (x - xB) / norm(x - xB);
    v = vB0;
    for i=1:n
        [t, x, v, xB] = T(t, x, v, xB, vB0, a, h);
        plot(x(1), x(2), 'ro');
        plot(xB(1), xB(2), 'bo');
    [t, x, v, xB] = T(t, x, v, xB, vB0, a, t2-t);
    plot(x(1), x(2), 'ro');
    plot(xB(1), xB(2), 'bo');
    for i=1:n % t2 + (t2-t1)
       [t, x, v, xB] = T(t, x, v, xB, vB0, -a, h);
       plot(x(1), x(2), 'ro');
       plot(xB(1), xB(2), 'bo');
    [t, x, v, xB] = T(t, x, v, xB, vB0, -a, 2*t2 - t1 -t);
    plot(x(1), x(2), 'ro');
    plot(xB(1), xB(2), 'bo');


function [t_out, y_out, u_out] = R1(t, y, u, a0, L_unit, h)
   t_out = t + h;
   norm_u = norm(u);
   R = norm_u^2 / a0;
   cos_omega_h = cos(a0 * h / norm_u);
   sin_omega_h = sin(a0 * h / norm_u);
   u_unit = u / norm_u;
   y_out = y + R * cross(L_unit, u_unit) ...
           + R * sin_omega_h * u_unit ...
           - R * cos_omega_h * cross(L_unit, u_unit);
   u_out = norm_u * sin_omega_h * cross(L_unit, u_unit) ...
           + norm_u * cos_omega_h * u_unit;

function [t_out, x_out, v_out, xB_out] = R(t, x, v, xB, vB0, a0, L_unit, h)
    [t_out, y_out, u_out] = R1(t, x - xB, v - vB0, a0, L_unit, h);
    xB_out = xB + h * vB0;
    x_out = y_out + xB_out;
    v_out = u_out + vB0;

function [t_out, y_out, u_out] = T1(t, y, u, a, h)
    t_out = t + h;
    u_out = u + h * a;
    y_out = y + h * u + h^2 * a / 2; 

function [t_out, x_out, v_out, xB_out] = T(t, x, v, xB, vB0, a, h)
    [t_out, y_out, u_out] = T1(t, x - xB, v - vB0, a, h);
    xB_out = xB + h * vB0;
    x_out = y_out + xB_out;
    v_out = u_out + vB0;

版本 2:型号为:

0 < k0 < 2 * a0 / norm(u0)  

dy/dt = y
du/dt = - k0 * u / 2 + sqrt(a0^2 - k0^2 * norm_u^2 / 4) * cross(L_unit, u/norm_u);


function main()
    h = 0.3;
    a0 = 0.1;
    xB0 = [0; 0; 0];
    vB0 = [-1; 2; 0];
    xA0 = [ 7; 12; 0] + xB0;
    vA0 =  [2; -1; 0];
    k0 = a0/norm(vA0-vB0);
    L_unit = cross(xA0 - xB0, vA0 - vB0);
    L_unit =  L_unit / norm(L_unit);
    t = 0;
    xB = xB0;
    x = xA0;
    v = vA0;
    hold on
    grid on
    %axis([-200 20 -100 350])
    plot(0, 0, 'bo')
    n = floor(2*norm(v - vB0)/(h*a0)); % this needs to be improved 
    for i=1:n
        [t, x, v, xB] = F_step(t, x, v, xB, vB0, a0, L_unit, k0, h);
        plot(x(1), x(2), 'ro');
        plot(xB(1), xB(2), 'bo');
    t1 = t + norm(v - vB0)/a0;
    n = floor((t1 - t)/h); 
    a = - a0 * (v - vB0) / norm(v - vB0);
    for i=1:n
        [t, x, v, xB] = T(t, x, v, xB, vB0, a, h);
        plot(x(1), x(2), 'ro');
        plot(xB(1), xB(2), 'bo');
    [t, x, v, xB] = T(t, x, v, xB, vB0, a, t1-t);
    plot(x(1), x(2), 'ro');
    plot(xB(1), xB(2), 'bo');
    t2 = t1 + sqrt( norm(x - xB)/a0 ); 
    n = floor((t2 - t1)/h);
    a = - a0 * (x - xB) / norm(x - xB);
    v = vB0;
    for i=1:n
        [t, x, v, xB] = T(t, x, v, xB, vB0, a, h);
        plot(x(1), x(2), 'ro');
        plot(xB(1), xB(2), 'bo');
    [t, x, v, xB] = T(t, x, v, xB, vB0, a, t2-t);
    plot(x(1), x(2), 'ro');
    plot(xB(1), xB(2), 'bo');
    for i=1:n % t2 + (t2-t1)
       [t, x, v, xB] = T(t, x, v, xB, vB0, -a, h);
       plot(x(1), x(2), 'ro');
       plot(xB(1), xB(2), 'bo');
    [t, x, v, xB] = T(t, x, v, xB, vB0, -a, 2*t2 - t1 -t);
    plot(x(1), x(2), 'ro');
    plot(xB(1), xB(2), 'bo');


function [dydt, dudt] = F1(u, a0, L_unit, k0)
    norm_u = norm(u);
    dydt = u;
    dudt = - k0 * u / 2 + sqrt(a0^2 - k0^2 * norm_u^2/4) * cross(L_unit, u/norm_u);

function [t_out, y_out, u_out] = F1_step(t, y, u, a0, L_unit, k0, h)
    t_out = t + h;
    [z1, w1] = F1(u, a0, L_unit, k0);
    [z2, w2] = F1(u + h * w1/2, a0, L_unit, k0);
    [z3, w3] = F1(u + h * w2/2, a0, L_unit, k0);
    [z4, w4] = F1(u + h * w3, a0, L_unit, k0);
    y_out = y + h*(z1 + 2*z2 + 2*z3 + z4)/6;
    u_out = u + h*(w1 + 2*w2 + 2*w3 + w4)/6;

function [t_out, x_out, v_out, xB_out] = F_step(t, x, v, xB, vB0, a0, L_unit, k0, h)
    [t_out, x_out, v_out] = F1_step(t, x-xB, v-vB0, a0, L_unit, k0, h);
    xB_out = xB + h * vB0;
    x_out = x_out + xB_out;
    v_out = v_out + vB0;

function [t_out, y_out, u_out] = T1(t, y, u, a, h)
    t_out = t + h;
    u_out = u + h * a;
    y_out = y + h * u + h^2 * a / 2; 

function [t_out, x_out, v_out, xB_out] = T(t, x, v, xB, vB0, a, h)
    [t_out, y_out, u_out] = T1(t, x - xB, v - vB0, a, h);
    xB_out = xB + h * vB0;
    x_out = y_out + xB_out;
    v_out = u_out + vB0;
于 2020-04-22T05:33:30.887 回答

假设您分别拥有宇宙飞船 A 和 BxA0, vA0的初始位置和速度。xB0, vB0正如您所说, B 以无加速度和恒定速度移动vB0。因此,它沿直线均匀地行进。其运动描述为:xB = xB0 + t*vB0。宇宙飞船 A 可以打开和关闭恒定大小的加速度,a0但可以根据需要改变其方向。

由于宇宙飞船 B 以恒定速度沿直线匀速行进vB0,它实际上定义了一个惯性坐标系。换句话说,如果我们平移原始坐标系并将其附加到 B,则新系统沿直线以恒定速度行进,因此也是惯性的。变换是伽利略的,因此可以定义以下坐标变化(在两个方向上)

y = x - xB0 - t*vB0
u = v - vB0

x = y + xB0 + t*vB0
v = u + vB0

特别是,对于 B 的任何时刻,t我们得到

yB = xB - xB0 - t*vB0 = xB0 + t*vB0 - xB0 - t*vB0  = 0``


yA0 = xA0 - xB0  

uA0 = vA0 - vB0

所以我们将在这个新的坐标系中设计控件,然后他们将其移回原来的坐标系中。首先,宇宙飞船 A 正在移动,因此它的速度总是相同的大小norm(uA) = norm(uA0),但它的方向变化是一致的。为此,可以简单地采用叉积向量

L0 = cross(yA0, uA0) / ( norm( cross(yA0, uA0) ) * norm(uA0) )


a = a0 * cross(L0, uA)

这意味着 A 的运动定律满足微分方程

dyA/dt = uA

duA/dt = a0 * cross(L0 , uA)


d/dt (dot(uA, uA)) = 2 * dot(uA, duA/dt) = 2 * dot(uA, a0 * cross(L0 , uA))
                  = 2 * a0 * dot(uA, cross(L0 , uA)) 
                  = 0

这只有在 时才有可能norm(uA)^2 = dot(uA, uA) = norm(uA0),即所有的大小norm(uA) = norm(uA0)都是t恒定的。


norm(a) = a0 * norm( cross(L0, uA)) = a0 * norm(L0) * norm(uA)
        = a0 * norm( cross(yA0, uA0)/( norm( cross(yA0, uA0) )*norm(uA0) ) )*norm(uA0)
        = a0 * norm( cross(yA0, uA0) )/( norm( cross(yA0, uA0) )*norm(uA0) ) )*norm(uA0) 
        = a0

由于从原点 Bnorm(uA) = norm(uA0) = const绘制为矢量的 A 的速度的尖端uA始终位于norm(uA) = norm(uA0)以原点为中心的球体上。同时

d/dt ( dot(L0, uA) ) = dot(L0, duA/dt) = a0 * dot(L0, cross(L0, uA)) = 0
which means that
dot(L0, uA) = const = dot(L0, uA0) = 0

因此uA总是位于垂直于矢量L0并通过原点的平面上。因此,uA指向所述平面与球体的交点norm(uA) = norm(uA0),即uA穿过一个圆。换句话说,方程

duA/dt = a0 cross(L0, uA) 

uA定义在通过原点并垂直于 的平面中围绕向量原点的旋转L0。接下来,取

dyA/dt - a0*cross(L0, yA) = uA - a0*cross(L0, yA) 

并相对于 t 区分它:

duA/dt - a0*cross(L0, dyA/dt) = duA/dt - a0*cross(L0, uA) = 0 

这意味着存在一个常数向量,dyA/dt - a0*cross(L0, yA) = const_vect我们可以将最后一个方程重写为

dyA/dt = a0*cross(L0, yA - cA)

and even like

d/dt( yA - cA ) = a0*cross(L0, yA - cA)

这只是通过与 for 相同的论点uA暗示它yA - cA穿过一个以原点为中心并在垂直于 的平面中的圆L0。因此,yA在平面中穿过原点,垂直于L0并以 为中心的圆cA。只需要找到圆的半径和圆心。那么 A 在方程下的运动

dyA/dt = uA

duA/dt = a0* cross(L0, uA)


dyA/dt = a0 * cross(L0, yA - cA)

yA(0) = yA0


uA0 = a0 * cross(L0, yA0 - cA)
norm(uA0) = a0 * norm(cross(L0, yA0 - cA)) = a0 * norm(L0) * norm(yA0 - cA)
          = a0 * norm(L0) * R
norm(L0) = 1 / norm(uA0)

R = norm(uA0)^2 / a0


cA = yA0 + R * cross(L0, uA0) / (norm(L0)*norm(uA0))

yA0然后,我们可以通过选择原点和单位垂直向量uA0/norm(uA0)和,在运动发生的平面中建立一个二维坐标系-cross(L0, uA0) / (norm(L0)*norm(uA0))。所以A在坐标系中与B做匀速直线运动的运动可以描述为

yA(t) = yA0  + R * sin(a0 * t / norm(L0)) * uA0 / norm(uA0)
             - R * cos(a0 * t / norm(L0)) * cross(L0, uA0) / (norm(L0)*norm(uA0))


dyA/dt = uA0

duA/dt = a0 * cross(L0, uA)

yA(0) = yA0
uA(0) = uA0


步骤 0:在一段时间内t应用以下加速度和运动,旋转 A 的速度矢量的方向:0t0

yA0 = xA0 - xB0
uA0 = vA0 - vB0
L0 = cross(yA0, uA0) / ( norm( cross(yA0, uA0) ) * norm(uA0) )
a = a0 * cross(L0, uA0)
R = norm(uA0)^2 / a0

yA(t) = yA0 + R * cos(a0*t/norm(uA0)) / (norm(L0)*norm(uA0))
            + R * sin(a0*t/norm(uA0)) * uA0/norm(uA0)
            - R * cos(a0*t/norm(uA0)) * cross(L0, uA0) / (norm(L0)*norm(uA0))

xA(t) = yA(t) + xB0 + t * vB0 = 
      = xA0 + t * vB0 + R * cos(a0*t/norm(uA0)) / (norm(L0)*norm(uA0))
            + R * sin(a0*t/norm(uA0)) * uA0/norm(uA0)
            - R * cos(a0*t/norm(uA0)) * cross(L0, uA0) / (norm(L0)*norm(uA0))


于 2020-04-20T01:04:14.970 回答