我在尝试配置的 ubuntu 服务器上使用 haproxy 正确路由 socket.io websocket 握手时遇到了很大的问题。我在这里和网上都读了很多,但我似乎找不到一个确凿的解决方案。我必须实现的目标非常复杂。我有不止一个 nodejs 在同一台服务器上运行,每个都在不同的端口上,但我必须能够从浏览器的端口 80 上访问所有这些(客户端防火墙问题)。我设法实现的是用 haproxy 重写



在后端,以便每个请求都将路由到正确的 nodejs istance。我现在遇到了套接字问题,因为要让 haproxy 重写每个请求,我必须使用 httpclose 作为选项,但这会使 websockets 失败。搜索我找到了一种解决方法,将以 /socket.io 或 /node 开头的请求路由到具有正确端口但具有不同选项的同一后端。这行得通,但是现在所有的 websockets 请求都链接到同一个 nodejs istance,这显然是一个问题,因为所有客户端现在都连接到一个服务器。我已经尽我所能创建和 acl 将 websockets 发送到正确的服务器,但我在请求中找不到任何东西来路由它们。这是我设法实现的最后一个配置,通过这个配置,websocket 请求被路由到正确的服务器,

WebSocket 连接到 ws://HOST/socket.io/1/websocket/Wra1vIqoPcTqBNkRLTif' 失败:意外响应代码:503

    log local0 debug
    maxconn 4096
    user haproxy
    group haproxy

    log global
    mode http
    # httpclose is necessary otherwise haproxy will rewrite only the first request of     the session
    option httpclose
    option httplog
    option dontlognull
    retries 3
    option redispatch
    maxconn 2000
    contimeout 5000
    clitimeout 50000
    srvtimeout 50000

frontend http
    bind :80
    option  forwardfor
    acl is_socket_io path_beg /node
    acl is_socket_io path_beg /socket.io
    #use_backend socket_io if is_socket_io
    acl myacl_rewrite0 hdr(host) -i HOST
    acl myacl_path0 path_dir -i 8081
    acl myacl_referer0 hdr_beg(referer) http://HOST/8081/
    use_backend socket_io_8081 if is_socket_io myacl_referer0
    use_backend mysrv_rewrite0 if myacl_rewrite0 myacl_path0
    acl myacl_rewrite1 hdr(host) -i HOST
    acl myacl_path1 path_dir -i 8090
    acl myacl_referer0 hdr_beg(referer) http://HOST/8090/
    use_backend socket_io_8090 if is_socket_io myacl_referer0
    use_backend mysrv_rewrite1 if myacl_rewrite1 myacl_path1

backend mysrv_rewrite0
    reqirep ^([^\ :]*)\ /8081/(.*)     \1\ /\2
    server myorigin_rewrite0

backend mysrv_rewrite1
    reqirep ^([^\ :]*)\ /8090/(.*)     \1\ /\2
    server myorigin_rewrite1

backend socket_io_8081
    mode http
    option httplog
    # long timeout
    timeout server 86400000
    # check frequently to allow restarting
    # the node backend
    timeout check 1s
    # add X-Forwarded-For
    option forwardfor
    # Do not use httpclose (= client and server
    # connections get closed), since it will close
    # Websockets connections
    no option httpclose
    # Use "option http-server-close" to preserve
    # client persistent connections while handling
    # every incoming request individually, dispatching
    # them one after another to servers, in HTTP close mode
    option http-server-close
    option forceclose
    server node1 maxconn 2000 check

backend socket_io_8090
    mode http
    option httplog
    # long timeout
    timeout server 86400000
    # check frequently to allow restarting
    # the node backend
    timeout check 1s
    # add X-Forwarded-For
    option forwardfor
    # Do not use httpclose (= client and server
    # connections get closed), since it will close
    # Websockets connections
    no option httpclose
    # Use "option http-server-close" to preserve
    # client persistent connections while handling
    # every incoming request individually, dispatching
    # them one after another to servers, in HTTP close mode
    option http-server-close
    option forceclose
    server node2 maxconn 2000 check


socket.io version 0.9.11
haproxy version 1.4.18

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