我正在尝试为我的特定用例定制Optaplanner 。到目前为止我一直很成功,但现在我感到震惊的是,我需要拥有多个仓库和多个位置。all the vehicle will start from a particular location
在我的用例中,条件略有不同,车辆可以从各自的位置开始,这意味着将有多个站点和多个客户位置可以访问。{ MDVRP 问题}
If I have 5 agent and 10 customer location to provide any service, this algorithm assumes
that all these agent will start from same starting location i.e warehouse/depot.
Thus the algorithm will optimize routes based on this assumption and all routes will
start from warehouse
If I have 5 agent and 10 customer location to provide any service. Then the algorithm should
start optimizing the route from their own respective location to all the customer location.