我最近一直在弄乱 NTFS,以便执行快速搜索(通过解析 MFT),它应该显示具有特定扩展名的文件(即使它们被删除)并找到它们的路径。我遇到的第一个奇怪的事情是,在我见过的所有情况下(3)驱动器 C 包含很多无效的 MFT 记录(超过 3/4)。他们中的大多数(如果不是全部)未能通过签名验证。
我通常会认为这些记录没有被使用,但还有另一个问题让我认为出了点问题:当找到所有具有所需扩展名的文件记录时,一些记录指向父 MFT 记录,由于同样的原因。但是这些文件被标记为“正在使用”,我在资源管理器中看到它们。另外,另一个奇怪的事情是它们所在的目录是有效的,因为在相同的目录/子目录中存在指向有效目录的文件(例如,我在桌面上有文件 log.txt,它指向一个无效的文件记录。还有一个文件夹数据(也在桌面上),其中包含一个文件 info.txt 和“数据”指向一个有效的文件记录)。
uint32 Magic; //Should match FILE_RECORD_SIGNATURE
uint16 OffsetOfUS; //Offset of Update Sequence
uint16 SizeOfUS; //Size in 2-byte ints of Update Sequence Number & Array
uint64 LSN; //$LogFile Sequence Number
uint16 SeqNo; //Sequence number
uint16 Hardlinks; //Hard link count
uint16 OffsetOfAttr; //Offset of the first Attribute
uint16 Flags; //Flags
uint32 RealSize; //Real size of the FILE record
uint32 AllocSize; //Allocated size of the FILE record
uint64 RefToBase; //File reference to the base FILE record. Low 6B - file reference, high 2B - MFT record sequence number
uint16 NextAttrId; //Next Attribute Id
uint16 Align; //Align to 4 uint8 boundary
uint32 RecordNo; //Number of this MFT Record
FILE_RECORD_HEADER * header = (FILE_RECORD_HEADER *)rawFileRecord; //where rawFileRecord is a pointer to a block of memory in which a file record is stored
if(header->Magic != FILE_RECORD_SIGNATURE) //The file record is invalid
uint64 ParentRef; //File reference to the parent directory. Low 6B - file reference, high 2B - MFT record sequence number
uint64 CreateTime; //File creation time
uint64 AlterTime; //File altered time
uint64 MFTTime; //MFT changed time
uint64 ReadTime; //File read time
uint64 AllocSize; //Allocated size of the file
uint64 RealSize; //Real size of the file
uint32 Flags; //Flags
uint32 ER; //Used by EAs and Reparse
uint8 NameLength; //Filename length in characters
uint8 NameSpace; //Filename space
uint16 Name[1]; //Filename
ATTR_FILE_NAME * attr = (ATTR_FILE_NAME*)filenameAttr; //where filenameAttr is a pointer to the beginning of filename attribute somewhere in the rawFileRecord
uint64 parentLCN = attr->ParentRef & 0x0000FFFFFFFFFFFF;