由于各种原因,您尝试执行的操作不受支持。可以说 Singleton ViewModel 是一种非常糟糕的做法并且会导致很多问题。虽然我们无法阻止您将 ViewModel 注册为容器中的单例,但这会在您的应用程序中引入错误。
使用 IInitialize 或 INavigationAware.OnNavigatedTo
public class LoginViewModel : IInitialize
public void Initialize(INavigationParameters parameters)
// Initialize anything you need to for the life cycle of your ViewModel here
public class SomeService : ISomeService
public string Username { get; set; }
public partial class App : PrismApplication
protected override void RegisterTypes(IContainerRegistry containerRegistry)
containerRegistry.RegisterForNavigation<LoginPage, LoginViewModel>();
containerRegistry.RegisterSingleton<ISomeService, SomeService>();
public class LoginViewModel
private ISomeService _someService { get; }
public LoginViewModel(ISomeService someService)
_someService = someService;
UserName = _someService.UserName;
// simplified for example
public string UserName { get; set; }
private void DoLogin()
_someService.UserName = UserName;
它在一个使您的代码可测试的界面中从应用程序公开属性字典和 SavePropertiesAsync。