
{"content": "Resume 1 text in french","annotation":[{"label":["diplomes"],"points":[{"start":1233,"end":1423,"text":"1995-1996 : Lycée  Dar Essalam                                                                     Rabat     \n                        Baccalauréat scientifique option sciences Expérimentales "}]},{"label":["diplomes"],"points":[{"start":1012,"end":1226,"text":"1996-1998 : Faculté des Sciences                                                                          Rabat \n                  C.E.U.S (Certificat des Etudes universitaires Supérieurs) option physique et chimie "}]},{"label":["diplomes"],"points":[{"start":812,"end":1004,"text":"1999-2000 : Faculté des Sciences                                                                           Rabat \n                            Licence es sciences physique  option électronique  "}]},{"label":["diplomes"],"points":[{"start":589,"end":805,"text":"2002-2004 : Faculté des Sciences                                                                           Rabat  \nDESA ((Diplôme des Etudes Supérieures Approfondies)  en informatique   \n\ntélécommunication multimédia "}]},{"label":["diplomes"],"points":[{"start":365,"end":582,"text":"2014-2017 : Institut National des Postes et Télécommunications INPT                 Rabat                                           \n                             Thèse de doctorat en informatique et télécommunication  "}]},{"label":["adresse"],"points":[{"start":122,"end":157,"text":"Rue 34 n 17 Hay Errachad Rabat Maroc"}]}],"extras":null,"metadata":{"first_done_at":1586140561000,"last_updated_at":1586140561000,"sec_taken":0,"last_updated_by":"wP21IMXff9TFSNLNp5v0fxbycFX2","status":"done","evaluation":"NONE"}}

{"content": "Resume 2 text in french","annotation":[{"label":["diplomes"],"points":[{"start":1251,"end":1345,"text":"Lycée Oued El Makhazine - Meknès \n\n- Bachelier mention très bien \n- Option : Sciences physiques"}]},{"label":["diplomes"],"points":[{"start":1122,"end":1231,"text":"Classes préparatoires Moulay Youssef - Rabat \n\n- Admis au Concours National Commun CNC \n- Option : PCSI - PSI "}]},{"label":["diplomes"],"points":[{"start":907,"end":1101,"text":"Institut National des Postes et Télécommunications INPT - Rabat \n\n- Ingénieur d’État en Télécommunications et technologies de l’information \n- Option : MTE Management des Télécoms de l’entreprise"}]},{"label":["adresse"],"points":[{"start":79,"end":133,"text":"94, Hay El Izdihar, Avenue El Massira, Ouislane, MEKNES"}]}],"extras":null,"metadata":{"first_done_at":1586126476000,"last_updated_at":1586325851000,"sec_taken":0,"last_updated_by":"wP21IMXff9TFSNLNp5v0fxbycFX2","status":"done","evaluation":"NONE"}}

{"content": "Resume 3 text in french","annotation":[{"label":["adresse"],"points":[{"start":2757,"end":2804,"text":"N141 Av. El Hansali Agharass \nBouargane \nAgadir "}]},{"label":["diplomes"],"points":[{"start":262,"end":369,"text":"2009-2010 :  Baccalauréat Scientifique, option : Sciences Physiques au Lycée Qualifiant \nIBN MAJJA à Agadir."}]},{"label":["diplomes"],"points":[{"start":125,"end":259,"text":"2010-2016 :  Diplôme d’Ingénieur d’Etat, option : Génie Informatique, à l’Ecole  \nNationale des Sciences Appliquées d’Agadir (ENSAA).  "}]}],"extras":null,"metadata":{"first_done_at":1586141779000,"last_updated_at":1586141779000,"sec_taken":0,"last_updated_by":"wP21IMXff9TFSNLNp5v0fxbycFX2","status":"done","evaluation":"NONE"}}

{"content": "Resume 4 text in french","annotation":[{"label":["diplomes"],"points":[{"start":505,"end":611,"text":"2012 Baccalauréat Sciences Expérimentales option Sciences Physiques, Lycée Hassan Bno \nTabit, Ouled Abbou. "}]},{"label":["diplomes"],"points":[{"start":375,"end":499,"text":"2012–2015 Diplôme de licence en Informatique et Gestion Industrielle, IGI, Faculté des sciences \net Techniques, Settat, LST. "}]},{"label":["diplomes"],"points":[{"start":272,"end":367,"text":"2015–2017 Master Spécialité BioInformatique et Systèmes Complexes, BISC, ENSA , Tanger, \n\nBac+5."}]},{"label":["adresse"],"points":[{"start":15,"end":71,"text":"246 Hay Pam Eljadid OULED ABBOU  \n26450 BERRECHID, Maroc "}]}],"extras":null,"metadata":{"first_done_at":1586127374000,"last_updated_at":1586327010000,"sec_taken":0,"last_updated_by":"wP21IMXff9TFSNLNp5v0fxbycFX2","status":"done","evaluation":"NONE"}}

{"content": "Resume 5 text in french","annotation":null,"extras":null,"metadata":{"first_done_at":1586139511000,"last_updated_at":1586139511000,"sec_taken":0,"last_updated_by":"wP21IMXff9TFSNLNp5v0fxbycFX2","status":"done","evaluation":"NONE"}}

将此 json 数据转换为 spacy 格式的代码


training_data = []
with open(input_file, 'r', encoding="utf8") as f:
    lines = f.readlines()

for line in lines:
    data = json.loads(line)
    text = data['content']
    entities = []
    for annotation in data['annotation']:
        point = annotation['points'][0]
        labels = annotation['label']
        if not isinstance(labels, list):
            labels = [labels]

        for label in labels:
            entities.append((point['start'], point['end'] + 1 ,label))

    training_data.append((text, {"entities" : entities}))

with open(output_file, 'wb') as fp:
    pickle.dump(training_data, fp)

训练 spacy 模型的代码

def train_spacy():
    TRAIN_DATA = training_data
    nlp = spacy.load('fr_core_news_md')  # create blank Language class
    # create the built-in pipeline components and add them to the pipeline
    # nlp.create_pipe works for built-ins that are registered with spaCy
    # if 'ner' not in nlp.pipe_names:
    #     ner = nlp.create_pipe('ner')
    #     nlp.add_pipe(ner, last=True)

    ner = nlp.get_pipe("ner")

    # add labels
    for _, annotations in TRAIN_DATA:
         for ent in annotations.get('entities'):

    # get names of other pipes to disable them during training
    other_pipes = [pipe for pipe in nlp.pipe_names if pipe != 'ner']
    with nlp.disable_pipes(*other_pipes):  # only train NER
        optimizer = nlp.begin_training()
        for itn in range(20):
            print("Statring iteration " + str(itn))
            losses = {}
            for text, annotations in TRAIN_DATA:
                    [text],  # batch of texts
                    [annotations],  # batch of annotations
                    # drop=0.2,  # dropout - make it harder to memorise data
                    sgd=optimizer,  # callable to update weights
            print(itn, dt.datetime.now(), losses)

    output_dir = "new-model"
    if output_dir is not None:
        output_dir = Path(output_dir)
        if not output_dir.exists():
        nlp.meta['name'] = "addr_edu"  # rename model
        print("Saved model to", output_dir)



import spacy
nlp = spacy.load("new-model")

doc = nlp("Text of a Resume already trained on")
# It prints out this ()

doc = nlp("Text of a Resume not trained on")
# It prints out this ()


编辑 1


但我应该将其转换为 spacy 格式,以便我可以给模型进行训练。


training_data = [(
    'Dr.XXXXXX XXXXXXX                                  \n\n \nEmail  : XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX \n\nGSM   : XXXXXXXXXX \n\nAdresse : XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX \n \n\n \n\nETAT CIVIL \n \n\nSituation de famille : célibataire  \n\nNationalité              : Marocaine \n\nNé le                        : 10 février 1983 \n\nLieu de naissance   : XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX \n\n \n FORMATION \n\n• 2014-2017 : Institut National des Postes et Télécommunications INPT                 Rabat                                           \n                             Thèse de doctorat en informatique et télécommunication  \n \n\n• 2002-2004 : Faculté des Sciences                                                                           Rabat  \nDESA ((Diplôme des Etudes Supérieures Approfondies)  en informatique   \n\ntélécommunication multimédia \n \n\n• 1999-2000 : Faculté des Sciences                                                                           Rabat \n                            Licence es sciences physique  option électronique  \n \n\n•  1996-1998 : Faculté des Sciences                                                                          Rabat \n                  C.E.U.S (Certificat des Etudes universitaires Supérieurs) option physique et chimie \n \n\n• 1995-1996 : Lycée  Dar Essalam                                                                     Rabat     \n                        Baccalauréat scientifique option sciences Expérimentales \n\nSTAGE  DE FORMATION \n\n• Du 03/03/2004  au 17/09/2004 : Stage de Projet de Fin d’Etudes à l’ INPT  pour  \nl’obtention du  DESA                (Diplôme des Etudes Supérieures Approfondies). \n\n                                  Sujet : AGENT RMON DANS LA GESTION DE RESEAUX. \n\n• Du 03/06/2002  au 17/01/2003: Stage de Projet de Fin d’année à INPT \n  Sujet : Mécanisme d’Authentification Kerbéros Dans un Réseau Sans fils sous Redhat. \n\nPUBLICATION  \n\n✓ Ababou, Mohamed, Rachid Elkouch, and Mostafa Bellafkih and Nabil Ababou. "New \n\nstrategy to optimize the performance of epidemic routing protocol." International Journal \n\nof Computer Applications, vol. 92, N.7, 2014.  \n\n✓ Ababou, Mohamed, Rachid Elkouch, and Mostafa Bellafkih and Nabil Ababou. "New \n\nStrategy to optimize the Performance of Spray and wait Routing Protocol." International \n\nJournal of Wireless and Mobile Networks v.6, N.2, 2014. \n\n✓ Ababou, Mohamed, Rachid Elkouch, and Mostafa Bellafkih and Nabil Ababou. "Impact of \n\nmobility models on Supp-Tran optimized DTN Spray and Wait routing." International \n\njournal of Mobile Network Communications & Telematics ( IJMNCT), Vol.4, N.2, April \n\n2014. \n\n✓ M. Ababou, R. Elkouch, M. Bellafkih and N. Ababou, "AntProPHET: A new routing \n\nprotocol for delay tolerant networks," Proceedings of 2014 Mediterranean Microwave \n\nSymposium (MMS2014), Marrakech, 2014, IEEE. \n\nmailto:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\n\n\n✓ Ababou, Mohamed, et al. "BeeAntDTN: A nature inspired routing protocol for delay \n\ntolerant networks." Proceedings of 2014 Mediterranean Microwave Symposium \n\n(MMS2014). IEEE, 2014. \n\n✓ Ababou, Mohamed, et al. "ACDTN: A new routing protocol for delay tolerant networks \n\nbased on ant colony." Information Technology: Towards New Smart World (NSITNSW), \n\n2015 5th National Symposium on. IEEE, 2015. \n\n✓ Ababou, Mohamed, et al. "Energy-efficient routing in Delay-Tolerant Networks." RFID \n\nAnd Adaptive Wireless Sensor Networks (RAWSN), 2015 Third International Workshop \n\non. IEEE, 2015. \n\n✓ Ababou, Mohamed, et al. "Energy efficient and effect of mobility on ACDTN routing \n\nprotocol based on ant colony." Electrical and Information Technologies (ICEIT), 2015 \n\nInternational Conference on. IEEE, 2015. \n\n✓ Mohamed, Ababou et al. "Fuzzy ant colony based routing protocol for delay tolerant \n\nnetwork." 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems: Theories and Applications \n\n(SITA). IEEE, 2015. \n\nARTICLES EN COURS DE PUBLICATION \n\n✓ Ababou, Mohamed, Rachid Elkouch, and Mostafa Bellafkih and Nabil Ababou.”Dynamic \n\nUtility-Based Buffer Management Strategy for Delay-tolerant Networks. “International \n\nJournal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, 2017. ‘accepté par la revue’ \n\n✓ Ababou, Mohamed, Rachid Elkouch, and Mostafa Bellafkih and Nabil Ababou. "Energy \n\nefficient routing protocol for delay tolerant network based on fuzzy logic and ant colony." \n\nInternational Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications (IJISA), 2017. ‘accepté par la \n\nrevue’ \n\nCONNAISSANCES EN INFORMATIQUE \n\n  \n\nLANGUES \n\nArabe,  Français, anglais. \n\nLOISIRS ET INTERETS PERSONNELS \n\n \n\nVoyages, Photographie, Sport (tennis de table, footing), bénévolat. \n\nSystèmes :  UNIX, DOS, Windows  \n\nLangages :  Séquentiels ( C, Assembleur), Requêtes (SQL), WEB (HTML, PHP, MySQL, \n\nJavaScript), Objets (C++, DOTNET,JAVA) , I.A. (Lisp, Prolog) \n\nLogiciels :  Open ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), AutoCAD, MATLAB, Visual \n\nBasic, Dreamweaver MX. \n\nDivers :  Bases de données, ONE (Opportunistic Network Environment), NS3,  \n\nArchitecture réseaux,Merise,... \n\n',
    {'entities': [(1233, 1424, 'diplomes'), (1012, 1227, 'diplomes'), (812, 1005, 'diplomes'), (589, 806, 'diplomes'), (365, 583, 'diplomes'), (122, 158, 'adresse')]}



def train_spacy():
    TRAIN_DATA = training_data
    nlp = spacy.blank('fr')
    ner = nlp.create_pipe("ner")
    nlp.add_pipe(ner, last=True)
    ner = nlp.get_pipe("ner")
    # add labels
    for _, annotations in TRAIN_DATA:
         for ent in annotations.get('entities'):

    optimizer = nlp.begin_training()
    for itn in range(20):
        losses = {}
        for text, annotations in TRAIN_DATA:
                [text],  # batch of texts
                [annotations],  # batch of annotations
                drop=0.1,  # dropout - make it harder to memorise data
                sgd=optimizer,  # callable to update weights
        print(itn, dt.datetime.now(), losses)

    return nlp

这是我在训练中得到的损失 在此处输入图像描述

这是测试,这里我测试用于培训的相同简历。 在此处输入图像描述


但是我不会认出“文凭”实体,我在这个简历中有 5 个,即使它接受过培训。


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