Inside my angular app I generated a component that serves as a custom FormControl and it implements ControlValueAccessor and Validator.

That component is used inside a FormGroup and it has a validator attached to it (like its value must have at least 10 chars or w/e). When theres a value change inside the actual input inside my custom FormControl the validate method triggers. Inside this method I can access the FormControl but it has a "pre-change-state" i.e. if the user typed in something wrong (according to the bound validator) it gives me its last value/error/state...

To get to the updated state I'm using a hacky

setTimeout(()=>{// code goes here},0);

How can I get the updated state inside validate without setTimeout? Or is there something like an afterUpdate hook I am not aware of?

Here's my stackblitz: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-8-material-starter-template-tubfwx?file=src%2Fapp%2Fcustom-form-control%2Fcustom-form-control.component.ts


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