示例 1:#0|1 将打开第一个选项卡和第二个面板
示例 2:#1|0 将打开第二个选项卡和第一个面板
为此,我创建了 2 个函数:getHash 和 setHash。
$(function() {
var getHash = function(key){
var parts = window.location.hash.substr(1).split(/\|/);
var _key = parseInt(key) || 0;
return _key < parts.length ? parts[_key] : false;
var setHash = function(key, value){
var parts = window.location.hash.substr(1).split(/\|/);
var _key = parseInt(key) || 0;
parts[_key] = value
window.location.hash = '#' + parts.join('|');
heightStyle: "content",
collapsible: true,
animated: 'slide',
navigation: true,
activate: function(event, ui) {
if(ui.newHeader.length > 0){
// A new accordion panel is open
setHash(1, ui.newHeader.parent().children('h3').index(ui.newHeader));
// In case accordion panel is closed
setHash(1, '');
active: false
$( "#tabs" ).tabs({
collapsible: true,
activate: function(event, ui) {
if(ui.newTab.length > 0){
// A new tab is open
var tabHash = ui.newTab.parent().children().index(ui.newTab);
if(tabHash == getHash(0)){
// In case current tab is the one in Hash, we open wanted accordion panel
// Make sure to parseInt hash value, because jquery-ui require an integer
ui.newPanel.find('.accordion').accordion('option', 'active', parseInt(getHash(1)));
setHash(0, tabHash);
// In case we close tab, hash is cleared
window.location.hash = ''
create: function(event, ui){
if(ui.tab.length > 0){
var tabHash = ui.tab.parent().children().index(ui.tab);
if(tabHash == getHash(0)){
// In case current tab is the one in Hash, we open wanted accordion panel
// Make sure to parseInt hash value, because jquery-ui require an integer
ui.panel.find('.accordion').accordion('option', 'active', parseInt(getHash(1)));
setHash(0, tabHash);
// Make sure to parseInt hash value, because jquery-ui require an integer
// Remove the " || 0 " if you want all to be closed
active: parseInt(getHash(0)) || 0